Tuesday 9 November 2010

Connectivity Problems

Hi, folks, sorry for the recent lack of posting but my connection has been ridiculously slow - even slower than normal, that is, so it's been practically impossible for me to get online most of the time, particularly with Blogger. 
However, I'm now in the process of changing my ISP for something a lot faster so I should be back to blogging as usual by next week with any luck at all.

Now that won't please everyone, (bwahahahaha!), because when I do get back online properly, I'll be bringing you the final instalment in the saga of the downfall of Andrew Gatward - the internet's most inept "secret agent"!



Sheriff said...

I'll be waiting right here when you get back, Spidey. Then give old asswipe Andrew hell!  :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Good luck with that Spidey but, with all due respect, has anyone mentioned that your blogpages are so full of gizmos that they take ages to load anyway (and that is comparing your site with others, not my connection with yours :-P :-P :-P ). 

Sheriff said...

Wondered WTF you'd been.

Sheriff said...

I hate to throw cold water on all your great and creative "gizmo's"  too, Spidey, but I've noticed the same thing, and you know what a super fast, smokin hot connection I've got!  Maybe delete a few?  just a suggestion, I didn't want to say anything, but since Banned brought it up  :-E

Sheriff said...

I hope things connect better, Spidey.  One can only imagine what secret agent twit has been up too!

Sheriff said...

I've got fibre optic and it's still slow

Sheriff said...

Good man, Odie - you can count on it, mate! ;) :-P :-P :-P O:-)

Sheriff said...

Indeed they have, Banned, but it's been hard for me to judge - when I try it my site usually loads pretty quickly for me but some others are really slow. It takes me ages to get Gotty's site loaded - same thing with Fausty's blog and Bunni's too. I'll check it out again when I get my new ISP in a few days. *DONT_KNOW*

Sheriff said...

No worries, Bunnikins, I'll sort it out soon - I'm sure I'll be able to bear losing a few gadgets. By the way, that video you posted on Facebook was too sweet - I want that cute little kitteh! :-D

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Bunni - dear old Twatters is the gift that just keeps giving! :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Back soon, mate. ;)

Sheriff said...

Wow, that's a bit of a surprise - so fibre optic isn't the answer to all our problems! =-O  

Sheriff said...

mines fibre optic too, has been for years, BT are so behind the times!

Sheriff said...

Obviously not the BT Infinity sort of fibre optics, then, said Spidey, sarkily! They're probably restricting your speed, mate! >:o