Saturday 27 November 2010

EU Referendum - Daily Express Campaign Gathers Pace

It just keeps getting better and better......


Sheriff said...

If this momentum continues, watch this space!!

Sheriff said...

About bloody time we had some good news!

Sheriff said...

Awesome news Barking! I wish the UK success in this endeavor.

I have a question though on how this would work; Would it be the decision (pulling up stakes in the Eu) of the body politic in London or that of the people in a general vote? Obviously this question pertains to all the member states in the EU as well.

Sheriff said...

Good its really superb,

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Sheriff said...

And this is only Day 3, OR, knowing the Express, they'll be steadily ratcheting up the pressure!  ;)
A referendum, as Cameron is well aware, is all we need to be free.  :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

I'm loving this, MD, and they've only just started!  :-P :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

It would have to go to a referendum, Christopher, and Cameron is shitting himself about that because he knows from poll after poll that at least 80% of the British people want to get the fuck out as fast as possible  :-P :-P :-P :-D - he's such a manipulative, Lefty twat! >:o

Sheriff said...

Thanks Barking but in need of a little more education in your Parliamentary form of government.

Specifically, just who decides to put the question forward as a referendum and again not being all that familiar with your governmental proceedings who gets a say on that referendum?

I see you mention 80% of the British people so I am assuming the 2nd part of my question is answered but the first part I remain clueless.

I am sure with some Googeling I might find my answers but am also quite sure you can in a briefer amount of time and in a much more colourful way.

Sheriff said...

Wonderful to see it all unravelling.

Sheriff said...

Allow me Chris. The government of the day gets to decide on whether and how a referendum is held (ie they get to phrase the all important question) which in reality means the executive (Cabinet) or actually Dave&Nick who are hotly  against it because they know they will lose their future EUmegapensions, a la Mandelson, the Blairs  & Kinnocks.

All those on the electoral roll (ie over 18yo incl convicts & Irish plus EU UK  residents) get to vote, plus fraudulent Postal Votes).

Our Euro partners would like to imagine that we need their permission to leave but, despite recent hideous cutbacks, our Armed Forces  are way better than anything  Europe can muster so they can fuck right off.

Sheriff said...

Curious that cowardly custard John Major should choose today to start punting a permanent Tory merger with the Libdems, ie to cut away the Tory Right and thus try to defuse the Rerendum issue.

Silly man, just as his reputation was starting to recover.

Sheriff said...

Alternatively the Government of the day could just repeal the Europen Community Act (1972) and that's it, we're gone!

Sheriff said...

Trial referendum question

 "Dear voter, some nasty people want Britain to leave the Lovely EU, the ones who build your childrens schools and give most of you your jobs and let you go on holiday in their nice sunny beaches, they want you to starve and shiver all alone out in the Atlantic at constant threat of invasion by North Career.

"Should Briain Leave the EU?"

To make your infomed choice known tick ONE of the following boxes

*No, I want to stay sunny and warm in the EU

Yes, I want to leave and be cold and wet and lonely."

Sheriff said...

Allow me Chris. The government of the day gets to decide on whether and how a referendum is held (ie they get to phrase the all important question) which in reality means the executive (Cabinet) or actually Dave&Nick who are hotly  against it because they know they will lose their future EUmegapensions, a la Mandelson, the Blairs  & Kinnocks. 
All those on the electoral roll (ie over 18yo incl convicts & Irish plus EU UK  residents) get to vote, plus fraudulent Postal Votes). 
Our Euro partners would like to imagine that we need their permission to leave but, despite recent hideous cutbacks, our Armed Forces  are way better than anything  Europe can muster so they can fuck right off.

Trial referendum question  
 "Dear voter, some nasty people want Britain to leave the Lovely EU, the ones who build your childrens schools and give most of you your jobs and let you go on holiday in their nice sunny beaches, they want you to starve and shiver all alone out in the Atlantic at constant threat of invasion by North Career. 
"Should Briain Leave the EU?" 
To make your infomed choice known tick ONE of the following boxes 
*No, I want to stay sunny and warm in the EU 
Yes, I want to leave and be cold and wet and lonely."

Alternatively the Government of the day could just repeal the Europen Community Act (1972) and that's it, we're gone!

Sheriff said...

<span>Curious that cowardly custard John Major should choose today to start punting a permanent Tory merger with the Libdems, ie to cut away the Tory Right and thus try to defuse the Rerendum issue.  
Silly man, just as his reputation was starting to recover.</span>

Sheriff said...

Well Banned, If Dave/Nick are in fact charged with posing the question this begs the question if it has to be posed to begin with being it poses a threat to their power.

I guess my question lies in this now; Is it a <span>choice </span>of the powers that be to put the question forward or is it something else that forces the question to the ballot box?

I claim ignorance to Parliamentary procedure and appreciate all knowledge afforded me.

Sheriff said...

Ah, yes..... he's the useless cunt that started all the wishy-washy, Lefty, Europhile, "Conservatives" after they stabbed Maggie in the back, mate, and he didn't get to spout that coalition shite without Euroslime Dave's explicit instructions, you can be fucking sure! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

"<span>Alternatively the Government of the day could just repeal the Europen Community Act (1972) and that's it, we're gone!"</span>

Which, of course, is the easiest and most obvious way of doing it and which is exactly why we are being told it's really complicated because of all the subsequent treaties. Cameron is nothing but a lying, slimy cunt! >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

A shitload of people out in the streets rioting would have a wonderful way of concentrating their tiny, selfish minds, methinks! ;) :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

This campaign on top of all the Euro bailouts is just what we've needed, James! :-P

Sheriff said...

NOBODY but the Govt. of the day can introduce a referndum that is legally binding (though I expect that the EU could try, such is its power grabbing maniacy).

A referendum vote that brought Britain out of the EU would mean a vast increase (or rather return) of power to Dave&Nick or the Govt. of the day whch reminds that I know of no other time in the history of the fucking world when sovereign peoples have so readilly surrendered their  sovereignty to a foreign power. Such is the depth of the  depravity of our traitor politicians.

Sheriff said...

The following treaties would simply be irrelevent, cut off at the bollox as it where,