Wednesday 25 November 2009


This is all becoming rather explosive and the wagons are circling in the Great Global Warming Swindle - they have been well and truly caught out and they know it - and what with the guys who are trawling through the hacked E-mails doing such a great job, there is much more yet to be revealed!

I left a comment a few days ago on a BBC website called "BBC - World, Have Your Say" and, I must admit, I was extremely surprised when it passed moderation and was posted. The question was, of course, all about climate change and the comment thread was "Are you selfish - or are we bad journalists?" This thread has since been taken down but I did make a copy of my comment which now follows.

BBC  - Comment on World, Have Your Say
18 November 2009 - 14:50
I am so sick, sore and tired of hearing about the Great Global Warming Swindle!

Global warming is nothing more than an enormous worldwide money-grabbing, tax-raising scam and Al Gore and others of his ilk are getting incredibly rich out of it, (Gore has made around $100,000,000 from it so far), while the rest of us are bullied and coerced into donning hair shirts. The planet has, in fact, been cooling for at least the last twenty years so you've probably noticed that we stopped talking about global warming some time ago and it became "climate change". So - having softened us up with that title for a while, Gore has decided, (with some help), in time for Copenhagen and the launch of his book, that the time is ripe to ratchet the title up some more so it has now become "climate crisis"!

"Fifty days to save the world"  someone said recently - that all seems to have gone a bit quiet since Obama said that there would be no deal!  (I didn't want to mention Brown by name in case they used it as an excuse not to post the comment).

This kind of climate cycle has happened over and over again - it happened before humans evolved and it will happen again and again after humans are extinct. How truly and typically arrogant to suppose that we even have the technology to do anything about it - we do not, (and those running the scam surely know that) - in the grand scheme of things we are nothing - nothing at all!

Thanks to Lord Monckton, we are finally to have a full and public debate on the subject - perhaps it will put an end to people's parroting of received wisdom from politicians with a vested interest in " green" industries and heavy taxation.

And then, joy of joys, the CRU computer was hacked and we are now getting more and more confirmation of the lies by the day!
So - fuck the tree-hugging, lefty old hippies really hard, right up the jacksy with a blackthorn stick wrapped in razor wire and damn the whole fucking climate change clique to Hell!


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Barking Spider said...

Good comment Spidey.
FINALLY the Daily Mail has got the real story out, ie the content of the e-mails rather than just the fact of them being hacked from a provincial university ( yawngate ) as spun by the Met Office Press people.
Even now they are concentrating that Phil Jones will probably have to go :-D  but at least his crimes are getting exposure.

Still notjhing from the Telegraph  >:o  despite Delingpoles blog still being in their top 5 most read articles almost a week after publication.

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spidey,
Great comment you made there...too bad they took it down.  I just did a post on this subject, too, but did not know about the video.  If you don't mind, I'll update it with the video and link to your post.  The video helps put things in perspective.
My feeling is that this hacker is a gift from above to help us defeat the lies of Al Gore et al.
Take care. :)

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

Good one Spidey, and the Stalinists removed you from history. How typical. They most likely club with the scamming clowns when in town and went to Uni with them. They're all in it.

Barking Spider said...

Great Comment Spider.Hopefully Gore will be doing time for his lies when all the facts come out.

Barking Spider said...

Super Post, Spidey!  That is a wonderful comment!  I'm glad you got published before they yanked  8-)  it!
This crime is starting to be exposed more and more!
Even our YouTube  "friend" Hitler, is weighing in on this.
So, you know it has legs now. 

Barking Spider said...

PS:  I linked you on my updated post, and put the Hitler vid there too.

Barking Spider said...

Indeed, Nickie, these people make me sick! >:o

Barking Spider said...

Thanks very much, Bunni, much appreciated. :-D

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, Bunni, I find it hard to believe that they actually let it through in the first place. Most of the other comments agreed with me, believe it or not, but one arsehole thought I was getting my "just deserts"! Needless to say, they didn't print my reply!!!! Left wing logic - shit for brains!!

Barking Spider said...

With my blessing, TCL, any time - thank you for helping to spread it far and wide! Like you, I cannot thank this hacker enough - he has done the world a great service and I truly hope that this finally brings them down, the lefty bastards!

PS - they are also a shower of shit!!!  8-)

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Banned, the pressure is going to have to be kept up big-time otherwise they will just try to sweep it under the carpet as quickly as possibe - again!! There is no way, if we, the public, have anything left behind that resemble balls after 12 years of Labour, that they should be allowed to get away with this manipulative bollocks, the cunts!!