Friday 1 April 2011

Agenda 21: World Depopulation Plans

The senior editor of the Executive Intelligence Review, Jeffrey Steinberg, talks to Alex Jones about the NWO population reduction plans.......



Sheriff said...

Pity nobody has told the EU! 

They have just come to the conclusion that we are not breeding quick enough! They're worried that as the population gets older, they won't be able to afford the pensions!

Sheriff said...

It cannot be denied the world has a growing, unsustainable population. That it is used to try and gain an advantage for the NWO is still wrong. It is this very NWO structure and ambition that is responsible for the mess. Meanwhile the Chinese and Russians go from strength to strength.

Sheriff said...

Exactly, OR, and the way that Obastard is deliberately ruining the US economy will have China taking over as the number one world economy before long! >:o

Sheriff said...

Hi Spider! The NWO's evil plans are going right according to their schedules.  Their puppets in power are doing everything to destroy our once great nations.  It's very sad times indeed.  I wish people would wake up to what's REALLY going on, but they are too busy with their empty heads up their butts.  >:o

Sheriff said...

Great set of vids, loved the bit when he compared modern environmentalism with ancient shamen demanding subjugation or the moon would not come back following the eclipse that he alone had predicted.
Meanwhile I look doeward to revelations that the Rothchilds induced the banking crisis that caused the earthquake that caused the tsunami which  destroyed the FuckYouShama nuclear plant in order for the worlds nuclear industry to be taken over by the Lizzard Illuminati and that Golbal Climate Change caused Gaddafis head to implode so the Allied Coalition had to invade Libya to keep its' oil safe for democracy. We live in interesting times.

Sheriff said...

The growing unstable population is a third world thing and is a consequence of what the West gave them, the 1970s Green Revolution plus some improved water supply, sanitation, education and medication which they used not to improve their lives but to breed.
The Russian population is declining to a worrying degree while China is waking up to the consequences of its 'one child' policy, they are running short of young men to produce cheap goods for the West and to man their armies.

Sheriff said...

That'll be why Mandelson set in motion the middle east instability, to encourage more waves of Arab invasions into Europe so that their children would pay for his generous pensions.

Sheriff said...

How does America come to have 30% un and underemployment? (as does Spain and others). Round here unemployment stands at 2% which my school economics tells me is less than structurally normal despite loads of students working part time and having been culturally enriched by waves of East Europeans (without which our hospitality industry would have collapsed) and there are job vacancy notices all over the place.

So Obama plans another round of Quantitative Easing? What a twat, it's still debasing the currency whatever fancy name he gives it. As I keep on saying, what destroyed the Roman Empire was not invasion from without (it was from within, ie immigration) but clipping the currency which became worthless so that rome had no money to pay the Legions and the Bribes. No money = No Power, welcome to reality USA.

Sheriff said...

 I just wish AJ would stop with the constant music and the interruptions - just let the guy say what he has to, without interruptions.