Friday 4 March 2011

TSA To Use New High-Powered Naked Body Scanners In American Streets


The TSA, already facing a significant public backlash, was thrust firmly into the media spotlight again this week as the controversy over the agency's domestic security takeover has been heightened with the exposure of mulitple unsavoury stories of secret plans, security failures and outright criminality.
Yet another controversial story to emerge was that the next generation of naked body scanners, set to be trialled and rolled out in airports, will use deep penetrating ionising radiation to literally see inside the bodies of travellers.


Sheriff said...

Every day it's more horrors and assaults on our liberties and HEALTH.
We'll have to walk around everywhere wearing lead clothing.

Thank goodness Alex is keeping us informed on all this.  He keeps up with all the news
and he backs up what he says with concrete proof.  Great video, Spidey.

Sheriff said...

I must look into this as a possible upgrade for CCTV in order to keep our citizens safe, of course.

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Bunni - this is getting even more sinister and dangerous - it was bad enough before! >:o

Hopefully, the current lawsuits against the TSA will be successful - then Obama and his Demotard commies can go and fuck themselves! :-P

Sheriff said...

Of course, Francis, of course - got to keep the Great British Public safe from all those  terrorists! ;)

Sheriff said...

 Falls firmly into the "adding insult to injury" category.

Sheriff said...

The Sex Pistols covered this topic a while ago

Sheriff said...

And even more injury from the extra radiation on top of the insult, James! >:o >:o >:o