Thursday 24 March 2011

Lawful Rebellion And Government Censorship

And here we have three more censored videos - this time they've been banned by our own freedom-loving coalition government of the "new politics", (NWO/EU), persuasion!


"Lawful Rebellion" is based on Common Law, Magna Carta and the Bill Of Rights, 1689, all of which are still enshrined in law but covered up by EU legislation from successive British governments since the traitor, Heath in 1972!


Fuck off, Cameron, we already have one which protects our rights far better than any old duplicitous, watered-down shite that you and your Libtard cronies will ever foist on us!

You see, folks, Lawful Rebellion scares them shitless because it can legally be used against them and their unconstitutional legislation - so they attempt to censor what they don't like and stifle free speech! Can't have all those scummy sheeple and poxy peasants seeing that, can we?


Here are the three videos they banned from You Tube.......
(Sorry about the sound quality on the first video)
7th MARCH, 2011





Sheriff said...

They don't do themselves any favuors by banning this stuff. I downloaded copies myself (just in case)... 

I may upload to eyetube tomorrow.. let's really piss em off!!!

Sheriff said...

Excellent, Sue, if we're not pissing them off and they are not spying on us, then we're not doing it right! ;)

Sheriff said...

cheers Spidey, the one in the court of the arrest of rusty and the judge is the most important

that one is already on eyetube Sue

Sheriff said...

ps new puter and your page is loading nicely now, will be in most days, gotta get my fix. See how much your blog means to me, a 'new' computer no less! lol

Sheriff said...

Thanks for the RT, @Anonymous ;)

Sheriff said...

My pleasure, mate, that's the other video I've been looking for, but as long as it's on Eye Tube, it's already safe. ;)

Sheriff said...

Glad to hear you're all sorted - and flattery will get you everywhere! :-D :-P

Sheriff said...

As much as I loved Snotty and his gangs' departure, I am appalled at how little has changed or, unbelievably, worsened.

Sheriff said...

Twill be interesting to see what happens tomorrow in London.

Sheriff said...

<span>Two cheeks of the same arse I'm afraid, OR! At least we now know not to vote for any of the LibLabCons next time - UKIP are the only real conservatives left! </span> ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

I'll be keeping a close eye on it, James. ;)

Sheriff said...

Nice little dust up. Been away for a bit. Gotta get back here more often.

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Sig, nice to see you here - hope to see you back soon. ;)

Sheriff said...

Look what the NWO Daget is doing here.
You think they will allow real law  for anyone under the EU.
All we can do is wait - just for a little while. Cain't let grass grow under our feet.

Sheriff said...

All these commies like to do is ban stuff from law abiding citizens trying to exercise their rights, Spidey.
I hope everything turns out well for you guys, but I wouldn't hold my breath!

Sheriff said...

You're right there, TS/WS, the supposed "democracy" we have on both sides of the pond is no longer anything more than an illusion for all the good little sheeple to cling to and if we want our democracy back, we're going to have to follow the same path as all the North African countries are pursuing right now and make the bastards take notice of us! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

That's exactly what they do, Bunni, there is no such thing as a democratic communist - as any country called the "Democratic Republic of ********" has repeatedly demonstrated to the world - it's just lying, Lefty doublespeak again! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

it was hilarious

Sheriff said...

Cheers, mate. ;)

Sheriff said...

It's time to get organised, and unite in a joint campaign to free us from the EU yoke.

From November 4. 2014 Britain will lose the right to rule itself, forever.  All decisions will be made in Brussels using the Quality Majority Vote system, and only those suppoting the EU will be given a vote.

Even criticism of the EU, is now a criminal offence.

Our Judges betray their oath, and are acting outside the law, and anyone banning freedom of speech, are commiting a criminal offence.  it is not for unelected, wig wearing placemen to ban the right of freedom of speech, but to defend it.

We have had three succesive Prime Ministers, lie their way into office, a criminal offence.

The main media are too deep in Government pockets to risk making a stand against them.

It is time to unite and devise a program od peaceful disruption and rebellion, which will unite our contrymen and women, to demand our country back.

Sheriff said...

I couldn't agree more, AOG, I will never be a "European", no matter what! >:o

Sheriff said...

As I see it, the main three political parties, have conspired together to serve the committee of 300, Rothschilde's gang of Mafia Banksters.

We are now a communist country, with almost all of the ten planks of communism upsurping Common Law, which is based on the Ten Commandments, in place.

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose. 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (Death Duty)

  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (Criticism of EU is a criminal offence.)

  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly 6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State. (gagging orders, gagging YouTube etc)

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (obey DEFRA or else!)

  8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture. (Social Security)

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production. (Children registered at birth are 'commercial commodities)
 We have to remember that in 2015, the NWO begins its program of reducing the human population, getting rid of the 'useless eaters'.  According to the Georgia Stones, the target is a reduction of 95%, achieved by extermination camps, starvation, and vaccination.

Somehow, fighting a parking ticket, or council tax, seems rather petty, a distraction.  We should be planning a complete national strike, until our politicians have left these shores.

Sheriff said...

Thanks, AOG, great post - I may well quote you on that at some point - with a hat tip and backlink, of course. ;)