Friday 7 January 2011

The Great Global Warming Hoax & The Cold Truth of What is to Come in 2011

Alex Jones talks with meteorologist and astrophysicist Piers Corbyn. He is the owner of Weather Action which makes weather forecasts up to a year in advance. Corbyn is well-known for his opposition to the idea of anthropogenic global warming.



Sheriff said...

The truth's out there, the Bilderbergers are not!

Sheriff said...

Indeed, OR, I still think the next Bilderbastard meeting needs to be nuked - just to make sure none of the fuckers survive! :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Alex always has the most interesting and truthful guests!  Good post, Spidey.
RT also has great ones, as you know.  I saw on the TV news I get of RT early this am, they interviewed AJ!  So, I didn't even have to get out of bed at that unGodly hour to watch him. :-D

Sheriff said...

More evidence of the global warming hoax. :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Well I know one thing, I live in southern Florida and we had very cold weather last winter.  This year, the cold weather started even earlier.  I had to cover plants for fear of frost.  I think Mr. Corbyn is on to something.
Have a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year, Spidey! 8-)

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Bunni, I haven't been over to Prison Planet for a week or two and I really must pay a visit to see who else has been on recently - the NWO can never get too much of a slapping! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

It's dead in the water, Odie, but it's going to take a lot more exposure and ridicule before it finally sinks without trace! ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

It's been the coldest and earliest start to winter over here in 300 years, TCL, biut apparently, according to those twats in Potsdam who are frantically trying to keep the AGW nightmare alive, it's colder because it's warmer......yeah, right! =-O ;) :-D :-P

Thanks, TCL, Happy New Year to you, too. :)

Sheriff said...

I have a great deal of time for Piers Corbyn but the fact is that he got it wrong in the short term at Xmas, he predicted further uber-snowfall on Boxing Day and again on Dec. 29th.
On the other hand the Met Office, with all its computer resources, was, on Xmas Eve, predicing the Great Thaw for Boxing Day but it didn't start until two or three days later. 

It has not snowed in these parts before Xmas in twenty years, it has never snowed more thn an inch, this years we had 8 inches but fortunatly no wind. Most winters we do not get - temps at all, this year it got to -12C, in TOWN!

Sheriff said...

That's right, mate, but considering how far ahead he makes his predictions, he puts the fucking Met Office and other so-called professional weather forecasters to shame! I don't remember snow like that and freezing temperatures like that in a very long time - and those twats in Potsdam try to tell us that it's "colder because it's warmer"! PMSL!
;) :-P :-D