Tuesday 16 February 2010


Sick of being called climate change "deniers"? 

I know I've fucking well had enough of it from commie cunts like Gorgon McShite!

Well, here's your chance to tell the one-eyed twat to shut the fuck up!

There is a new No10 petition, I've already signed it and I'm sure that many of you would like to do the same so why not head on over there and tell the fucking fucker to fuck the fucking fuckety fuck off! Go on, you know you want to.

You can find the petition HERE.


Barking Spider said...

Not Sick of it at all, I proudly celebrate being  a climate change Denier :-D ; why would I not since it is a big fat fucking lie that even the well known cunt Phil Jones is now trying to distance himself from; Al Gore is still in hiding since Copenhagen busy counting his :-$ $squillions stolen in phony carbon credits from the gullible. Many of the leading 'greenie' academics and journos have learned to shut the fuck up before the shit hits the fan when the Indian railwayman finally gets the chop.

Barking Spider said...

I'm with banned on this one. My street has recently become ghettoised by Deniers. Time to celebrate our diversity. We are the cultural enrichers  :-D

Barking Spider said...

It's the terminology I object to, Banned, not the sentiment - the obscene comparison to "Haulocaust deniers" is offensive and calculated to be so - "flat-earther", on the other hand, is so pathetic, it's like water off a duck's back.                                                                                   ;)
I would have no problem with them calling us "unbelievers" or "climate change atheists" for they have turned it into their own false, fanatical religion, the totalitarian cunts!

Barking Spider said...

Nice pic of Gordo there.

Barking Spider said...

<span>Sounds like a great street to me, CS, may there be many more, mate. As I said to Banned below, it's the deliberate association with the Haulocaust that I strongly object to and for that reason only - it lays bare once again the pure malicious intent of Gordon Brown. >:o </span>

Barking Spider said...

They obviously caught his good side, James. ;)

Barking Spider said...

It says a lot about Liberal "leaders" that follow a lie without questioning it. Gordon, I've got you label right here ... you are an "ENABLER" !!!

Barking Spider said...

I love this post, Spidey!  I don't like being called a denier either.
These people need to shut the fuck up!  Climate Crap has been
exposed for the fraud it is!  I think I"m go and see if I can sign
the petition, even though I'm out here.  That pic is a great find
of ugly gordoom.  He looks very mad, but after he gulps those two
big bottles of vodka on his desk, maybe he'll pass out and go away.

Barking Spider said...

That's a code word for wanker, isn't it, Odie? O:-)

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Bunni - two bottles of vodka poured forcibly down his throat through a funnel might even kill him off! (I can dream......sigh) :-D

Barking Spider said...

I know what you mean Spidey. Fortunately, Labour have cultivated a generation who wouldn't be bright enough to make the "denier" link anyway. Those who are - don't :-D

Barking Spider said...

Very true, Guest, thankfully, but Brown, the malicious prick, knew exactly what he was doing.