Monday 8 February 2010


Some more pure brilliance from Red Green.


Barking Spider said...

Red Green is so inventive, I hope you don't try to build one of those contraptions, Spidey.
Unless, it's a helicopter that you can take gordoom for a ride and have it give out over the ocean. ;)
If you get any problems from anyone, you can send my pal the kitteh over!

Barking Spider said...

<span>You know, Bunni, it would be most tempting to stand him up there, at the beginning of the process, and watch his head fly into the sink! O:-) </span>

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spidey,
I bet this guy got some of Obama's stimulus money for his project. ;)

Barking Spider said...

I'd pay to see that, Spidey! :)
BTW, did you see Dazed's newest video, it's super, I
posted on my blog just now!

Barking Spider said...

Yes I did, Bunni, and, in fact, I've just been over to your place and posted a comment. ;)

Barking Spider said...

<span>Hi, TCL, 
I would like to see the same treatment that I mentioned for Brown, below, meted out to Obamalama! :-D O:-) </span>