Monday 15 February 2010



There has been no global warming for 15 years, a key scientist admitted yesterday in a major U-turn.

Professor Phil Jones, who is at the centre of the “Climategate” affair, conceded that there has been no “statistically significant” rise in temperatures since 1995. The admission comes as new research casts serious doubt on temperature records collected around the world and used to support the global warming theory. Researchers said yesterday that warming recorded by weather stations was often caused by local factors rather than global change.

The revelations will be seized upon by sceptics as fresh evidence that the science of global warming is flawed and climate change is not man-made.

The Daily Express has led the way in exposing flaws in the arguments supporting global warming. Last month we revealed how the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change was forced to admit its key claim that Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035 was “speculation” lifted from a 1999 magazine article. The influential IPCC then admitted it had got the key claim wrong and announced a review. The Daily Express has also published a dossier listing 100 reasons why global warming was part of a natural cycle and not man-made.

Yesterday it emerged that Professor Jones, whose raw data is crucial to the theory of climate change, had admitted he has trouble “keeping track” of the information. Colleagues have expressed concern that the reason he has refused Freedom of Information requests for the data is that he has lost some of the crucial papers. 

Professor Jones also conceded for the first time that the world may have been warmer in medieval times than now. Sceptics have long argued the world was warmer between 800 and 1300AD because of high temperatures in northern countries. Climate change advocates have always said these temperatures cannot be compared to present day global warming figures because they only apply to one specific zone. 

Professor Jones first came under scrutiny when he stepped down as director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit in which leaked emails were said to show scientists were manipulating data. Researchers were accused of deliberately removing a “blip” in findings between 1920 and 1940, which showed an increase in the Earth’s temperature. 

John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama and a former lead author on the IPCC, said: “The apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development.”
Ross McKitrick, of the University of Guelph, Canada, who was invited to review the IPCC’s last report said: “We concluded, with overwhelming statistical significance, that the IPCC’s climate data are contaminated with surface effects from industrialisation and data quality problems. These add up to a large warming bias.”

I don't know about you, but this belated climbdown and back-pedalling looks very much to me like Phil Jones has realised what may actually happen to him when investigations and lawsuits have concluded and is now running scared in case he finds himself ending up in prison. 

His attitude is certainly very different to the arrogance he displayed immediately after the Climategate scandal was exposed but I personally believe that it is too little, too late - if it had not been for those leaked E-Mails, it's glaringly obvious that this admission would never have been made voluntarily.

I honestly hope that he and others, Michael Mann and Rajendra Pachauri in particular, do end up receiving prison sentences for what they have done. They have debased all science by their actions and have brought it to the same level of disrepute as politics in general, but the politicians who commissioned and funded this deceit and the relatively small number of "scientists" who carried out their instructions are beyond contempt and would have used this so-called "crisis" to carry out their sinister agendas.

I also notice that Al Gore has been uncharacteristically silent ever since he was chased out of that book store by protesters when he was signing his latest work of fiction new book.

Clearly we still have to be vigilant as the global warming lie has taken a good beating but has still not gone away - they would have to think up a whole new way of achieving their objectives and, quite frankly, I don't believe that they have a Plan B. Obama still hasn't shut the fuck up about climate change and is talking about bypassing the democratic process entirely and ramming his socialist control-freak agenda through - he mustn't be allowed to get away with it - Brown and Rumpy Pumpy will jump on the same bandwagon on this side of the pond, and then we really can say goodbye to democracy and freedom, already in very short supply, once and for all.


Barking Spider said...

Wowee, more good news.  It will take more than this to waken politicians up though - they've too much invested.

BS, did you know your blog takes around 10 seconds to load with my speedy Mac?  A couple of my readers have mentioned it too. Hope you don't mind me saying.  Maybe it's your revolving balls, who knows. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Your page's loading, takes a-little while on my PC. It is because you have a lot of stuff (java-script).
Blogger says, on it tips page to move them towards the middle or bottom of the Page.
But your Spider Logo Has to stay at the top! Your right side is all java-script--so we will have to wait.
No Problem. I play a solitaire game waiting anyway-even for my own Blog.
Back to the comment- This is no reason for them to concede now. They are trying to tell us that the water vapor stayes in the upper atmosphere  from Global-er-Climate Change; and is the reason for the Record Snow Fall Every Where. HUHuhuh?
Like you said, these mad scientis want to get their aganda over on the people of the world for their Masters One World Governance (that is the word the U. N. uses when asked about their trying to establish a O.W.G.)
They say no, not a World Government, A World Governance. If you look them up in the Dictionary- almost word for word-the same definition.
Of course they have a 1,000 yrs. or so foolling the people. NOT in the Information Age!

Barking Spider said...

<span>'...the global warming lie has taken a good beating but has still not gone away - they would have to think up a whole new way of achieving their objectives and, quite frankly, I don't believe that they have a Plan B...'</span>

Do you really think they will change tack now? It is the nature of these sort of people to keep bulldozing their agenda through regardless of how futile or preposterous it seems.

The average sheeple on the street will briefly be distracted by the flustering but their attention will soon be drawn by the next shiney story flashed before them.

I'm going to put my money on terrorism - another attack somewhere to get the flock all agitated again.

Barking Spider said...

You have so many countries and corporations invested so deeply in this farce, it's going to take time, I'm afraid, for it to go away.

Hay, what's this guy below think he's doing ? He stole my name ...

Barking Spider said...

No it's my name! I had it first :-P

Barking Spider said...

Well spoken Spider! It is almost on a daily basis now about new news of this fraud that even a "Plan B" would not be able to carry the day. They (the criminals) on both sides of the pond are being seen by everyday people for what they are and their demise is happening before our eyes.

I do however find it absolutely amazing in the light of all this deciet that they claim it is a reality? I know the reasons behind their agenda, but really all they are doing is endangering their own lives the more they push this.

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spider!  Excellent analysis of this latest back pedaling by Jones.  He should still be arrested and tried for fraud, along with al whore and all the liars who steal our money off this.
Obummer MUST be stopped.  Yet, he still forges ahead with his new "climate office" or whatever the fuckwad is calling it these days.  They simply will not stop and admit to it all being a hoax.
It's cold out here, that's al I whore is still hiding in an igloo in DC.

Barking Spider said...

Absolutely, SR, and they will keep trying to ram it down our throats until the whole thing explodes in their faces. ;)

I've been having problems with loading times, too, everything was great after I changed the layout and, if anything, I've got rid of some sidebar gadgets and I've also changed some. It should really be even faster now but it isn't, it's been a lot slower since my connection problems and there was definitely some weird shit happening last night. >:o

Regarding the revolving balls - I'll be making an appointment with the doctor soon! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Exactly, TS/WS, we have been saying for ages that water vapour is a major cause of warming and not CO2 - now they are trying to jump on that bandwagon, too! :-P

It doesn't work as well for them or have quite the same ring to it as "carbon tax", or "carbon trading", though does it?.... imagine people's reaction to "water vapour tax", "or water vapour trading" - nobody, (except for ultra-left, indoctrinated morons would ever fall for or accept that one! I mean, how the fuck can they cap and trade water vapour? :-D

Thanks for the sidebar tips, mate. ;)

Barking Spider said...

<span>Exactly, TS/WS, we have been saying for ages that water vapour is a major cause of warming and not CO2 - now they are trying to jump on that bandwagon, too! :-P  
It doesn't work as well for them or have quite the same ring to it as "carbon tax", or "carbon trading", though does it?.... imagine people's reaction to "water vapour tax", "or water vapour trading" - nobody, (except for ultra-left, indoctrinated morons), would ever fall for or accept that one! I mean, how the fuck can they cap and trade water vapour? :-D  
Thanks for the sidebar tips, mate. ;) </span>

Barking Spider said...

You can almost smell the fast-approaching terrorism con, Odie, Labour have already raised the terror alert to "scream like a girl" in Britain! =-O

You are so right, mate, Lefties just keep throwing shit at the wall over and over and over again until some of it sticks - not this time, though, we can't let them win or we will be nothing but slaves when they have finished, and many of us will be dead slaves. >:o

Barking Spider said...

As long as we all stay alert and keep on fighting and exposing their plans, we can beat them Odie. ;)

I don't know who that imposter below is, Odie - I thought he was you!! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Don't steal Odie's name, you imposter!!! =-O

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Christopher, they really have no inkling of any other way to con people into allowing themselves to be herded like cattle except through the scam of their climate change lies! ;)

We all have to keep spreading the word, just as we have been doing and opening more and more people's eyes, and I do agree that they are endangering their own lives by their utter pig-headedness - something will eventually give, and when it does, things are going to get very nasty indeed - with the Left's true agendas completely exposed, it's inevitable. :(

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Bunni, they can't admit to the hoax, or all of their evil plans go up in smoke or carbon or something - they would probably also end up being stoned to death or something equally appropriate, the totalitarian twats! :-P

Barking Spider said...

Nicely summarised Sparky, but although the phony warmongers are outed daily by ever more lurid tales of their wrongdoings, our evil leaders of all persuasions remain committed to the Climate Change Bollox rictus.
They, alongside the whores of the press and Academe, all have too much at stake to give up easily and must be hounded relentlessly until driven from office and top themselves for shame. IMHO.

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, mate, I'd say you got that spot on - we will have to gradually wear them all down by exposing every lie until they have absolutely no credibility left! ;)

What we really need, and I seem to remember from somewhere that we will, in fact, be getting it later this year, is our own British version of Fox News. :-P That would fuck up the Lefty TV news monopoly really nicely. :-D

Barking Spider said...

You Betcha  ;)

Barking Spider said...

Of course it was warmer in the middle ages---everyone who studies history can agree on this. The arabs in north africa were desperately trying to escape the heat and hence their moves on southern europe---just a silly thought, but not as silly as Al Gore and gang!

Barking Spider said...

Nice pic.....saved! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Spidey, I just did a blog post w/ a cool video and cute piccy's and
I linked this post on it.  I love how you wrote about this.
The Polar Bears say "hey".  :-P

Barking Spider said...

i hope they get what's coming to them. a person is guilty if he "knowingly" reported false data. i'm afraid they'll be able to find a loophole somewhere though.

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Bunni, I've just posted the same video here - they've done a nice job on it. ;)

Barking Spider said...

I agree, Labcat, but Phil Jones does seem to be running scared at the moment - perhaps he believes that he will be the sacrificial lamb - the one who takes the fall to satisfy the baying crowds. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Here, the EPA is enforcing their own regulations. Says that they don't care who is Pres., or what the Congress does.
Despite what is revealed from the hoax.
Said that we are the cause for the CO2.
So I put this pic on my blog, what is seen when it loads.
I took it down after a couple of months; but needs to be back up.
Click the pic for the big picture.