On the subject of Andrew Gatward, I am reproducing the following page from Lancaster Unity, a Labour website, unusual for me, I know, but this post, although long, (apologies), is most revealing about the crazed, maniacal world he has created for himself in his own tiny, twisted mind. The man is a complete paradox, contradicting himself at every turn, an extremely twisted individual who should really be incarcerated in a secure mental institution for his own, (and everyone else's), safety. At this point, as he is so fond of publishing other people's addresses online, I am now going to post his - it's only right and fair to do so.
Andrew Gatward
(Born - Anthony Cooper)
27, West End, Ingham,
Andrew Gatward
(Born - Anthony Cooper)
27, West End, Ingham,
"Incontrovertible evidence", says "Richard", Oh, FFS!
(And the name "Richard" doesn't even follow the curvature of the card)(It may even be a very old picture of Gatward)

Same guy - only younger - or his son, perhaps?
(bear in mind that the picture on the left is taken with flash)
The masking tape, "NOT ANDREW", is obviously stuck onto the photo!
And what about that "incontrovertible" ID?
And now, the page from Lancaster Unity.
He’s prepared to fight America, wants George Bush and Tony Blair murdered and may have faked a conversion to Islam
The BNP’s West Lindsey organiser Andrew Gatward has a disturbing mind. In two of his internet postings, which we re-produce below, Andrew Gatward declares that not only is he personally prepared to fight America but he also calls for both current US president George Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to be murdered. In other postings, Andrew Gatward raises the prospect of violence against non-Whites and British Muslims in order to ethnically cleanse Britain of their presence.
For many readers, their first introduction to Lincolnshire-based BNP organiser Andrew Gatward would have been Lancaster Unity’s recent article, Redwatch threatens to murder councillor after abusive BNP email published.
In that article we detailed one of Andrew Gatward’s many abusive emails sent to grandfather of two and Labour councillor John Taylor:
From: AndrewGatward@aol.com
Date: 03/07/2008 09:54:41
To: jwt35@**********
Subject: Re: Welcome to my web site I am a labour councillor in Tameside for the Dukin...
have spoken with my mates in tameside, they dont know what your talking about...so the liar strikes again....you really are worthless to anything decent taylor...your illiterate, retarded, and must have suffered a very bad childhood...was it the sex with your mother thats upset you...and regarding the closure of your site dumbo...you say it your self in one of your latest posts...senile as well, but then so are the rest of your mob...get a life, and stop being jealous of the unity, loyalty, and comradeship we all have in the BNP, which i am sure you all long for in the Labour nazi's......and yes, you will be out your seat in no time, whether it be by BNP candidate, or Conservative, i don't really care at this stage...conservative can win all for me, as long as the Labour Hitlerites are removed.....your very very sad taylor, you need medical help, and I suggest you get it
Death to George Bush! Death to Tony Blair! The paradox of Andrew Gatward: (fake?) convert to Islam yet a racist obsessed with Muslims
Andrew Gatward is a racist obsessed with Muslims. His personal blog and other internet postings almost exclusively rant against Muslims and Islam. Yet, we can reveal that in early to mid 2006 Andrew Gatward purported to be a convert to Islam and devout Muslim on an Islamic website, IslamiCity.com! Registered as ‘jajabinks101’ and signing off his posts as ‘Andy’, Andrew Gatward gave the appearance of an enthusiastic convert to Islam. Not only that but he claims that as a Muslim he is more than prepared to fight and kill Americans, and calls for George Bush and Tony Blair to be murdered.
But, we wonder whether Andrew Gatward faked being a convert to Islam or subsequently left Islam and ceased to be Muslim. It is clear from our research that both prior to and after 2006 Andrew Gatward posts numerous racist anti-Muslim postings on the internet.
Posting as UKpatriot on another Muslim website, islamicawakening.com, Andrew Gatward abuses Muslim users on the same thread with the following comments:
“This is our country ... Why dont you just leave OUR country and practice what you believe in freely elsewhere? ... The UK is waking up to this silent muslim invasion and I promise while im alive i would fight to the death ... Like I said when the BNP come to the fore you will wish you never started this whole sorry project”On another blog, again posting as UKpatriot, Andrew Gatward states:
“THE ONLY PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS GROWING ISLAMAPHOBIA IS THE MUSLIMS THEM SELVES..WAR IS ON THE CARDS ... ISLAM WILL BE CRUSHED AND DESTROYED”Openly posting as Andrew Gatward, he then issues the following warning to British Muslims in the guestbook of another website:
“watch out Islam, our time is coming ... when our action groups get together ... so enjoy your time, because it is not going to last”On his personal blog, ukpatriot-keepbritainbritish, under an article in which he condemns British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a ‘traitor’, Andrew Gatward (asUKpatriot) claims that the presence of Muslims in Britain means that there is:
"A CALL TO ARMS...DON'T IGNORE IT"Andrew Gatward's strange ability to link Gordon Brown with Islam continues in one of his many abusive emails to John Taylor, when he makes the following preposterous claim:
-------Original Message-------But, we also read Andrew Gatward declaring himself to be a convert to Islamand a proud Muslim on Islamicity.com:
From: AndrewGatward@aol.com
Date: 02/07/2008 12:27:17
To: jwt35@**********
Cc: lilnutta@btinternet.com; Davecatlicense@aol.com; Lakarha@aol.com; Flashalice@aol.com; Svmconsult@aol.com; Northprairiestar@aol.com; BCanf10028@aol.com; PhoenAll@aol.com; AndrewGatward@aol.com; Anotherwhitemug@aol.com; Blueshed1@aol.com; DiamondGal345@aol.com; Parsleydog@aol.com; Princessnat04@aim.com; SHREDDERxx@aol.com; t1aw@btinternet.com; val.manchee@ntlworld.com; VTMJORDAN@HOTMAIL.COM
Subject: Re: Turncoat
see not only does you, the Labour party, and unelected brown seek to sell out to islam ...
In the rest of that post, he makes the following comments:“Im a recent convert to islam ... Dogs are only dirty if you allow them to be, we as muslims are expected to be clean, so, my pets will be too ... evil is in abundance outside islam”.
It is in the following post on Islamicity.com that BNP organiser Andrew Gatward states his willingness to fight the USA:
"if as a muslim i am called to fight america, I will, once all peacful avenues have been exhausted..to fight and kill like an american is to lower your self to their level...Allah teaches us that peace is what we stand for, and peace is what i pray for..how about the USA letting the rest of the world live in peace, keep your capitalist way of life within your capitalist borders, islam will grow, and it will surround the evil like an anti body, and it will shine light every where that Allah is, and the world will be at peace..
Allah Uakhbar..Allah is just, as he is true, he will guide us to everlasting light, and to paradise.
Peace to all my brothers and sisters”
“If my post appears to be leading away from the topic of conversation, i apoligise...i have so much i want to say, but am not a person able to do it with reserve or compassion some times...perhaps my coversion to Islam will help me in futureIt is in the following post on Islamicity.com that BNP organiser Andrew Gatward calls for George Bush and Tony Blair to be killed:
I posted a couple of questions last week, and mentioned that I was seriously thinking of converting to Islam....I was ridiculed by Americans, more so because Im british, and they think we owe them something....Ive been thinking, and i am going to convert to Islam, Not for any other reason than, that it is the right thing to do...I there for no longer see the USA as an allie, but an enemy that we should not attack physically, but pity because of their ignorance to other peoples freedoms, and ways of life. the hate for Islam and Muslim people i have personally witnessed from Americans, is abhorrant, and comparable to that of the Nazi and the Jew...an arrogance that beggers belief, and a bully boy attitude that has to be confronted.
When everything in the world comes down to money, theres only one country to blame for much of the worlds unnaceptable state, both financially and physically and thats the USA ...
America is the root of all the worlds problems today ...
Take heed America....the hate for America, an all it stands for is being fuelled by your actions around the World today, and you have only your selves to blame ..."
“There is no difference between Bush, Bin laden, or Blair...they are ALL war criminals, and as such should be put to death”.On the same thread, Andrew Gatward then abuses another poster whom he accuses of being a current or former US army soldier.
Interestingly, a year ago, three months after he joined the BNP, Andrew Gatward wrote an article, US and Britishinvasion and oppression , for the Iraqi Arab news agency, Al-Rafdean. Writing on the Iraq war, Andrew Gatward states: “I pray to Allah, that he grants an end to this hate and killing”. We wonder if Andrew Gatward is still pretending to be a Muslim or simply changes tack to suit his perceived audience.
How does Andrew Gatward view himself?
Andrew Gatward describes himself on his main blog, ukpatriot-keepbritainbritish, in the following somewhat gentrified terms:
“I am a person who is loyal to his country..i am polite and respectful when speaking to anyone about their politics or religion, and respect the fact that their views may not fall in line with mine..I am not a racist, but i am loyal to my country and its people, no matter what their colour or religion, but i want immigration stopped, and those immigrants already here illegally, found and deported..I am devoted to the idea that anyone coming here to work or live, should be loyal first to the country,respectful to the laws, and tollerant of our traditions. I would also expect anyone coming here to be able to support themselves for the first 10 years, before being able to claim state help, and never to be able to have a vote in any election”Andrew Gatward’s ideal description of himself certainly does not tally with his actual behaviour as demonstrated by his various emails and internet postings. Contrary to his assertions about himself, Andrew Gatward is clearly impolite, racist, disrespectful about the politics and religions of other people as well as disrespectful to British law. Combined with a fascination for nazi memorabilia and bayonets and a possible fake conversion to Islam whilst abusing Muslims through his racist postings, Andrew Gatward is indeed a strange character.
Andrew Gatward’s campaign of threats, harassment and abuse against John Taylor
For the past 24 years, John Taylor has served his local community as the Labour councillor for the Dukinfield ward in Tameside, Greater Manchester. Yet, his area has been repeatedly targeted by the BNP. Due to his electoral successful, John Taylor has been subjected to a consistent and targeted campaign of harassment by the BNP. The intensity of this harassment has been such that the local courts granted John Taylor a legal injunction against failed BNP candidate Roy West who stood against John Taylor.
Recently, Andrew Gatward has taken a leading role in co-ordinating the BNP’s campaign of harassment against John Taylor. Within a space of four days, from the 1st July to 5th July 2008, Andrew Gatward bombarded John Taylor with at least twenty emails. Interestingly, Andrew Gatward, intentionally or inadvertently, forward John Taylor internal BNP emails detailing the organisation of the BNP harassment campaign against John Taylor. Below, we reproduce three of Andrew Gatward’s emails to John Taylor, two of which contain threats of possible violence:
-------Original Message-------
From: AndrewGatward@aol.com
Date: 02/07/2008 10:47:40
To: jwt35@**********
Cc: lilnutta@btinternet.com; Lakarha@aol.com; Flashalice@aol.com; Northprairiestar@aol.com; PhoenAll@aol.com; BCanf10028@aol.com; val.manchee@ntlworld.com; vtmjordan@hotmail.com; AndrewGatward@aol.com; chairman@bnp.org.uk; publicity@bnp.org.uk; Lgre19@aol.com; eastmids@bnp.org.uk; leicsandrutland@bnp.org.uk
Subject: Re: Turncoat
Your not an MP you moron....you have never been voted in as anything other than a scum bag Nazi lover...take a look at your requests for opinions on myself..back fired a bit don't you think...
I have more loyalty, and trustworthiness in my little finger than any slime ball like your self could ever have....I watch the back of my friends, and am perfectly prepared if called up to do so, kill any of my enemies...you are one of them...I am close to my colleges in the BNP, and the bond, and trust between us, is something you would never understand, being the liar, and gutter snake you are..oh sorry, Labour Councillor, but then, is that not the same thing.....
Come speak with me face to face, lets see who is the gutless wonder then...any time your ready and willing, just let me know when you want to meet...by the way...the night of the long knives has a totally different relevance to your interpretation...perhaps you should get your friend to read you a book all about its one night when your in bed together, then you may understand what its about.....which borstal were you educated at?
-------Original Message-------
From: AndrewGatward@aol.com
Date: 02/07/2008 19:03:01
To: jwt35@**********; publicity@bnp.org.uk
Subject: Re: Welcome to my web site I am a labour councillor in Tameside for the Dukin...
oh I dont need to just here tameside...I know exactly where you are
John Taylor
xx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx,
xxx xxx
xxxx xxx xxxx
i see your now going to close the site down..heat a little too much for you is it....the Labour cowards withdraw again...and you reckon you have a hope in hell of stopping the BNP...think again, and i will make a point of dealing with you personally once the BNP take power...only i will have too join a que of about 1700 by the looks of your blog..your a pathetic little man, with nothing going for him...We in the BNP are there for each other, thats why i went back, and i found out that the Voc were the real nazi's, thats why i did not stay with them.....i care not what you think of me, or the BNP...but be careful what you care about when we come to power...
-------Original Message-------
From: AndrewGatward@aol.com
Date: 01/07/2008 08:24:51
To: jwt35@**********
Cc: chairman@bnp.org.uk; publicity@bnp.org.uk; Lgre19@aol.com; leicsandrutland@bnp.org.uk; eastmids@bnp.org.uk
Subject: Welcome to my web site I am a labour councillor in Tameside for the Dukinfield w
Hi folks
Just a quick note. Please read this idiots blog, my letter to him, and take into account his spelling, grammar, and gutter press approach. Is this really the kind of moron worthy of any kind of seat other than the toilet!!?
cc regional
From Nick Griffin to Sadie Graham back to Nick Griffin: Gatward the Turncoat goes organic
Andrew Gatward is a pure political opportunist. Readers will remember that back in late 2007, a group of disenchanted BNP rebel members under the leadership of BNP Nottingham councillor Sadie Graham attempted an internal coup against BNP leader Nick Griffin. At the time Andrew Gatward immediately announced his support for the Sadie Graham faction against Nick Griffin. But, within days the BNP website, under an article entitled 'Splinter Group Effort Grinds to a Halt', declared that Andrew Gatward had turned his back on the rebels and rejoined the Griffinite BNP fold. Andrew Gatward was quoted as saying: “The party hopes that this unpleasant episode will soon be at an end and activists can concentrate on the real business of saving Britain”. For this act of political treachery, Andrew Gatward has been dubbed ‘Gatward the Turncoat’ by his rival BNP activists.
According to our source, Andrew Gatward was talked back into joining the Griffinite faction of the BNP by the BNP’s intelligence officer, Arthur Kemp (a former intelligence officer for the old racist South African regime). However, it was this act of betrayal towards his former rebel colleagues that led to Andrew Gatward falling out with millionaire BNP businessman Roger Robertson, one of the main financial backers of the Sadie Graham faction. From mid-2007 Roger Robertson was bankrolling a BNP scheme whereby Andrew Gatward was to start a BNP organic farm. The idea was to commercially produce organic vegetables and attempt to flog them to BNP members and supporters via the BNP website. When Roger Robertson couldn't persuade Andrew Gatward to re-join the anti-Griffin campaign he attempted to recover the money and equipment used for the organic farm scheme. Andrew Gatward now pledging his loyalty to Nick Griffin point blank refused to hand over either money or equipment and to add insult to injury denounced Roger Robertson as a "treasoness Freemason" (ironic given that Nick Griffin’s father has been recently revealed to be a senior Freemason, and the father-in-law of BNP founder John Tynall and initial financial back of the BNP, Charles Parker was also a long-term Freemason). According to our source, Roger Robertson is in the process of taking legal action against Andrew Gatward to try and reclaim the money and equipment.
Ex-BNP members speak out on Andrew Gatward
What do other BNP members think of Andrew Gatward? Two former BNP members recently posted the following comments about Andrew Gatward on theLancaster Unity blog:Andrew Gatward is a pure political opportunist. Readers will remember that back in late 2007, a group of disenchanted BNP rebel members under the leadership of BNP Nottingham councillor Sadie Graham attempted an internal coup against BNP leader Nick Griffin. At the time Andrew Gatward immediately announced his support for the Sadie Graham faction against Nick Griffin. But, within days the BNP website, under an article entitled 'Splinter Group Effort Grinds to a Halt', declared that Andrew Gatward had turned his back on the rebels and rejoined the Griffinite BNP fold. Andrew Gatward was quoted as saying: “The party hopes that this unpleasant episode will soon be at an end and activists can concentrate on the real business of saving Britain”. For this act of political treachery, Andrew Gatward has been dubbed ‘Gatward the Turncoat’ by his rival BNP activists.
According to our source, Andrew Gatward was talked back into joining the Griffinite faction of the BNP by the BNP’s intelligence officer, Arthur Kemp (a former intelligence officer for the old racist South African regime). However, it was this act of betrayal towards his former rebel colleagues that led to Andrew Gatward falling out with millionaire BNP businessman Roger Robertson, one of the main financial backers of the Sadie Graham faction. From mid-2007 Roger Robertson was bankrolling a BNP scheme whereby Andrew Gatward was to start a BNP organic farm. The idea was to commercially produce organic vegetables and attempt to flog them to BNP members and supporters via the BNP website. When Roger Robertson couldn't persuade Andrew Gatward to re-join the anti-Griffin campaign he attempted to recover the money and equipment used for the organic farm scheme. Andrew Gatward now pledging his loyalty to Nick Griffin point blank refused to hand over either money or equipment and to add insult to injury denounced Roger Robertson as a "treasoness Freemason" (ironic given that Nick Griffin’s father has been recently revealed to be a senior Freemason, and the father-in-law of BNP founder John Tynall and initial financial back of the BNP, Charles Parker was also a long-term Freemason). According to our source, Roger Robertson is in the process of taking legal action against Andrew Gatward to try and reclaim the money and equipment.
Ex-BNP members speak out on Andrew Gatward
ex-bnp said...
"Gatward made a total and utter cock of himself at last years Blackpool conference. He got up to mumble on about every single item raised much to the irritation of all present. He just did not know when to shut up; what a tool.
Later he went onto banging on about how handy he reckoned he was and how he fancied himself as a bit of security! lol. He is just another example of the type of shallow egotistical gimp that Gri££in loves to surround himself with.
He has even appointed himself as the party’s 'Security & Intelligence Officer!' WLF? What a fooking hilarious contradiction in terms that is. The guy could'nt work his way out of a fire-exit".
2:38 PM, July 06, 2008
Another ex BNP said...
"Why is Gatward using ECN to encrypt his death threat Redwatch e-mails, as ECN is an Italy-based anonymous mailing website more often than not used by radical anarchists rather than the far right?"
Gatward is a clueless daftie but he is not the kind of person to make death threats and he hasnt the brains to know how to use the ECN service. Dont make the assumption Gutwad sent the threat".
1:32 PM, July 06, 2008
The comments by Andrew Gatward’s former BNP colleagues don’t exactly read like a glowing endorsement.
Andrew Gatward: Hitler worshipper, collector of weapons and seller of nazi memorabilia
Idiotically and illogically, Andrew Gatward, as the stupid racist he is, argues that all non-whites in Britain are neo-Nazis!
“Its groups of ethnic pigs in this country that are racist, not the BNP ... the neo Nazis are the ethnic minroities in this country, and they can get away with it at the moment. but it is they who drive greater support to the BNP, and they will ultimatly pay the price for being Nazi racist bigots ... It might be an idea for the ethnic nazi's to make the most of this time...britain will not put up with it for ever...I do not beleive in reprisal, but it will come no doubt”.Apart from raising the spectre of violence against non-Whites in Britain, the fact is this: it is Andrew Gatward who is a secret neo-Nazi. One of our sources confirms that Andrew Gatward recently attended a London event of Hitler apologist and convicted Holocaust denier, David Irving. Further, on a military bayonet collectors forum (that’s right folks, Andrew Gatward collects weapons, a frightening prospect), Andrew Gatward posted under the Hitler-adoring nickname, 'v88strikeforce'. In fascist and racist circles, ‘88’ stands for ‘Heil Hitler’ (the letter ‘h’ being the eighth letter in the alphabet). Further, ‘strikeforce’ is a popular term in neo-nazi circles. For example, one of the publications of neo-nazi terrorist group, Combat 18 (founded by the BNP in the 1990s) was called Strikeforce. It also features as a lyric in a song by the neo-nazi band,Prussian Blue. Not only this, but Andrew Gatward argues: "If someone believes that Hitler was right in his quest, then that is their right to do so". Further, Andrew Gatward sells nazi weapons and memorabilia as a moderator for a website that lists items such as ‘Box of 3 German 15CM Shell Cases Insert Superb’, ‘Superb German WW2 Bunker Lamp Afrika Korps Colours’, ‘German SS Belt Buckle....Original with RZM + SS marking’, ‘WWII Nazi German NSKK Enamel Blue Badge’, ‘Fuse for the mine ZZ-42!Inert, Relic’, etc. and as the owner of the semi-defunct website, Blue Max Militaria (which is reduced to carrying adverts for World War 2 German reference books).
We ask this: should someone like Andrew Gatward be collecting weapons like military bayonets, especially in light of his racist rant on the bayonet collectors forum (see link)?
Did Andrew Gatward lie about his BNP membership?
Our sources tell us that Andrew Gatward joined the BNP in March 2007. Yet, in a March 2007 posting on The Times website, Andrew Gatward claimed not to be a BNP member:
“times are changing, and the BNP are winning...I am not a BNP member, but can see why people are joining...my vote will certainly be going to the BNP ....We know that prior to March 2007, Andrew Gatward was posting pro-BNP statements all over the internet. But, in light of his The Times posting did Andrew Gatward lie about his membership of the BNP? We leave this as an open ended question.
andrew gatward, Lincoln, Great Britain”
Split personality? Is it ‘Andrew Gatward, BNP organiser for West Lindsey’ or ‘Tony, BNP organiser for Boston Holbeach and Spalding’? Or, are they the same person?
Another source of ours claims that Andrew Gatward may also be moonlighting as ‘Tony’, the BNP’s organiser for Boston Holbeach and Spalding (also in Lincolnshire) and operator of the racist pro-BNP blog, The Lincolnshire Patriot. Our source points to four circumstantial factors that leads our source to believe that ‘Tony’ may also be Andrew Gatward. Firstly, the highly idiosyncratic writing style and grammar employed by Andrew Gatward on his main blog, ukpatriot-keepbritainbritish (as well as in his other numerous internet postings) is virtually identical to the writing style and grammar used by ‘Tony’ of The Lincolnshire Patriot blog. This is demonstrated in the blockquote below which compares the ‘Profile’ segment on Andrew Gatward’s ukpatriot-keepbritainbritish blog with the ‘Welcome’ segment on Tony’s The Lincolnshire Patriot blog. What the reader will clearly see from the blockquote, apart from the very similar writing styles and childishly over the top bombastic rhetoric, is that in any sentence that both Andrew Gatward and ‘Tony’ begin with the capital letter ‘I’ any subsequent use of the letter ‘i’ is in lower casing or if a sentence is not begun with ‘I’, if that sentence later then uses the letter ‘i’, again ‘i’ is used in lower case:
Andrew Gatward (BNP organiser for West Lindsey, Lincolnshire)
Profile’ (on right hand side): http://ukpatriot-keepbritainbritish.blogspot.com
“I am a person who is loyal to his country..i am polite and respectful when speaking to anyone about their politics or religion, and respect the fact that their views may not fall in line with mine..I am not a racist, but iam loyal to my country and its people, no matter what their colour or religion, but i want immigration stopped, and those immigrants already here illegally, found and deported..I am devoted to the idea that anyone coming here to work or live, should be loyal first to the country, respectful to the laws, and tollerant of our traditions. I would also expect anyone coming here to be able to support themselves for the first 10 years, before being able to claim state help, and never to be able to have a vote in any election”
Secondly, Tony is short for Anthony and Andrew Gatward’s original birth name is ‘Anthony Cooper’ (Andrew Gatward was adopted at birth).Thirdly, both theukpatriot-keepbritainbritish blog and The Lincolnshire Patriot blog are singularly obsessed with racist rantings against Muslims (an indirect reference to Asians), Andrew Gatward’s favourite hobby horse (see above). Fourthly, both blogs make repetitive use of the same shared phrases such as ‘Great Britain’ and ‘Islamification’, key Andrew Gatward signature traits and many postings on both blogs are partially written in capital letters.‘Tony’ (BNP organiser for Boston Holbeach and Spalding, Lincolnshire)
‘Welcome’ (on left hand side): http://lincspatriot.blogspot.com/2006/12/welcome-to-blog.html
“Welcome all - This is my blog with which i hope to lay down some of my thoughts on the state of the nation that is Great Britain in the early 21st century. I will also look at some of our nations history - i believe it is important to know and take an active pride in your history and culture. As a Nationalist i am a proud member of Britains finest and most decent political party - the British National Party. I am a white middle class taxpayer and as such despised and ignored by the establishment lackeys whose wages i pay.”
Our source may be right. But, we would also like to hear from any informed readers who may be able to confirm this.
Clearly Andrew Gatward is a potentially dangerous person. He has unequivocally stated in his emails that he is prepared to commit violence against John Taylor, a grandfather of two. Further, let’s not forget his open admission that he’s prepared to fight Americans and raises the prospect of violence against non-Whites and Muslims in Britain. From our understanding, John Taylor has discussed the Redwatch death threat and Andrew Gatward’s abusive emails with the police. Let’s hope that arrests soon follow. The lessons of World War 2 and the Spanish Civil War serve as bitter reminders as to why we should not forget the reality of the BNP as fascists and racists intent on achieving their goals by any means necessary.
My Opinion Of Gatward?
Clearly Andrew Gatward is a potentially dangerous person. He has unequivocally stated in his emails that he is prepared to commit violence against John Taylor, a grandfather of two. Further, let’s not forget his open admission that he’s prepared to fight Americans and raises the prospect of violence against non-Whites and Muslims in Britain. From our understanding, John Taylor has discussed the Redwatch death threat and Andrew Gatward’s abusive emails with the police. Let’s hope that arrests soon follow. The lessons of World War 2 and the Spanish Civil War serve as bitter reminders as to why we should not forget the reality of the BNP as fascists and racists intent on achieving their goals by any means necessary.
My Opinion Of Gatward?
Well, there you have it, folks, I am by no means alone in my conclusions that this "man" is a danger to himself and society! He needs to be locked up for his own good, and ours! He is a rather pathetic creature who deserves as much pity as he does hatred - he is very ill - he should not be at liberty to vent his bile and threats on the general public.
He needs professional help - consisting of tough love and psychiatric treatment in a secure environment.
He needs professional help - consisting of tough love and psychiatric treatment in a secure environment.
There's not really much else that one can add to that is there? My favourite line amongst many, was <span><span><span>"He has even appointed himself as the party’s 'Security & Intelligence Officer!'" - Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha .... </span></span></span>
Good God, the man is an absolute fruitcake, and clearly a danger to all who make their living in buying and selling military memorabilia. Would anyone bat an eyelid of surprise, if Gatward himself was amassing the names and addresses of the customers involved in the transactions that he himself did oversee, and then was found to be passing them on direct, to whoever or whatever, is currently his latest fantasy of deluded hero worship? The mans clearly in search of a cult to follow, usurp and then call it his own. Yet, as everyone else has now booted him out realising the signs of a dangerous schizophrenic, he's seemingly started up his own, known only to him and his many other split personalities, as the "Arcadia Freedom Fighters" and Forum.
This moron is an inherent danger to the British public, and it's only a matter of time before somebody somewhere suffers because of him.
The man is a complete paradox, contradicting himself at every turn, an extremely twisted individual who should really be incarcerated in a secure mental institution for his own, (and everyone else's), safety.
Now just who else is like this?
Gordoom and this one should be good company for each other when they end up in the same
nuthouse, OR! ;) That is, of course, if they don't end up killing each other!! =-O
In case you guessed the guest was GOT ;)
(masking tape across my eye, couldn't see the keyboard to log in)
LOL ok had to laugh at that one
Me, too, MM! O:-)
Definately sounds like it or reads like it as the case may be, the more I'm learning the more he is shouting out stuff to cover his own sinister interests.
you're right he should be locked up, but they let out all the looneys years ago and closed down the mental hospitals maybe he got out then!? =-O
And this one is a Far-Left loony, MM, I imagine NuLieBore love every rotten move he makes! ;)
I guessed correctly too! Hilarious. TardWad is going to go bankrupt from all the dry cleaning bills :-P
Not least his own dry cleaning bill, Bunni, when he shits himself after reading this lot!! :-P :-D :-D :-P
Wow, he is deluded, I"ll have to read all this thoroughly after I have some dinner, lots to digest, You've been very busy, Spidey, and this is just too hilarious. That pic, did HE put the post-it on it? kook-Koo! I think the men in the white coats will be showing up any day now.
I think he'll get good treatment here, He need a brain specialist
http://www.youtube.com/v/tqyxXX3Ra4A&feature" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140
Definately a far left looney and couldn't see the english democrats being happy with him blackening their names either.
"<span>Who is that masked man?"</span>
Why he's "The Lone Wanker", GOT, wherever there is trouble - he will make it worse! :-D :-D
I'm surprised they haven't already publicly disowned him, MM! =-O
That's exactly what he needs, Bunni! ;)
Thanks for posting the video - I haven't seen this sketch for years!! :-D
I just couldn't resist ;-)
Forgot to mention that you shouldn't click on the link above unless you're wearing rubber pants.
Piss plays havoc with the silkies ;)
Oh, that's just fucking brilliant, mate, :-D I'm going to add it to this comment and I'm absolutely positive that it will get a lot of airings around here! ;)
The Lone Wanker.
You got that one right Spidey, who the fuck would want to sit there and keep him company while he knocks one out for the mozzies?
Thanks for the the heads-up, mate! :-D :-D :-D
Ooooh - the very thought! =-O
This is scary! He's going to change his name now, for sure.
Hi, Bunni, I hope you managed to wade through all of the post - it's a real eye-opener.
For once, I find myself in complete agreement with Labour - shock/horror!! =-O
there is no doubt that "richard" is A.G, despite the blue and green eyes of differing shape, and the age difference. Jesus Christ! the match is uncanny! never mind, my "incontrovertible ID" got £1 off a six-pack of Guinness, so it convinced someone in the mighty world of commerce.
i thought that picture would invoke a rise and it did; fuck me, it's like a trout to a fly. thanks! it's been most entertaining, but now i'm starting to get bored, it's too easy.
PS: it's a bit of post-it note, not masking tape.
PPS: those who post private details to score cheap points are too dishonourable to even take the piss out of.
Gatward or Dickwad?
Perhaps the younger picture is your son, then!
Post-it Note/masking tape - who cares - it's still pathetically hilarious! :-D
I notice you use the same lower case i instead of I, as does Andrew Gatward/Moshe Kratz/Tony and all your other personas - also pointed out in the Lancaster Unity article in this post. =-O
I don't care whether you got £1 off your six-pack or not - that does not qualify as ID, >:o FFS!
I know you think you are very clever, (that's because of your superiority complex), but that doesn't mean that everyone else was born yesterday!
You'll have to do a lot better than this, Andrew! ;)
Definitely Dickwad, James - and just about any other derogatory name you care to think up! ;)
"it's like a trout to a fly"
More like flies drawn to a stinking piece of shit ;)
And yes, it's been highly entertaining, we can always rely on a New Labour stooge to make us piss ourselves laughing!
He's a sick puppy, 3M, but I always look forward to his visits - and my readers love it when he comes round to play! :-D
Good comment, btw, ;) there must be a hell of a lot of flies over at his place/shithole! =-O
By the way, when it comes to posting private details, you have posted your fair share of them - right down to a picture of the house, you cunt! >:o
Besides, those are Andrew Gatward's details - oops, they are your details too! =-O
I also know that they are not your current details - but don't worry, I have those, too! ;) :-D
<span>By the way, "richard", when it comes to posting private details, you have posted your fair share of them - right down to being as low as posting a picture of the person's house, you cunt! >:o
Besides, those are Andrew Gatward's details - oops, they are your details too! =-O
</span><span>And don't worry, </span><span>I know that these are not your current details - but - I am in possession of those, too! ;) :-D </span>
I don't think he does subliminal, Snarky - I have this mental picture of him goosestepping with those crutches - it's fucking hilarious! :-D
<span>Mish Masher</span><span></span><img></img>
<span>Definately a far left looney and couldn't see the english democrats being happy with him blackening their names either.</span>
Vendetta: We think there are at least a couple lefty loons working to undermine the EDP, though Robin recently gave one the boot. This is something we have been working on.
As for the posts, we would say you are spot on ;)
We would say you are spot on with this one ;)
<span></span>Mish Masher
<span><span></span><span>Definitely a far left looney and couldn't see the english democrats being happy with him blackening their names either.</span>
Vendetta: We think there are at least a couple lefty loons working to undermine the EDP, though Robin recently gave one the boot. This is something we have been working on.
As</span><span> for the posts, we would say you are spot on ;) </span>
<span>Mish Masher
<span><span></span><span>Definitely a far left looney and couldn't see the english democrats being happy with him blackening their names either.</span>
Vendetta: We think there are at least a couple lefty loons working to undermine the EDP, though Robin recently gave one the boot. This is something we have been working on.
As</span><span> for the posts, we would say you are spot on ;) </span></span>
Looks like you may have found another one, Vendetta, and this one is vile beyond words! ;)
Glad to help. :)
Make your mind upyou retard, first UAF labour troll, then he finds something on the pro labour site that says Im a Nazi...WOW how nice it is to be popular
It's not me that changes with the wind, Andrew, it's you! ;)
You can't even make up your mind about your religion from one day to the next - sometimes you're Jewish and Muslim all in the one day! =-O
hahahahaaaahahaaa love it... this moron was trolling on our group and pretending to be a member of the Israeli Secret Service (Mossad) hahaha I am laughing sooooo much at this... I cant wait to rub it in next time we meet online ;)
Excellent - do feel free to mention my name, Guest, it should help to drive him up the walls! :-P
Now you know what he's like, the best thing you can do is wind him up without mercy and remember...... never ever believe a single word he says and you won't go wrong ;) ...... and have fun doing it! :-D
Freaky UAF lover hey barky....why don't you just get a real job and perhaps your sad mental state may improve. Confused and dazed to say the least, your posts are the dregs of the internet and hilarious reading for many...kepp up the good work pea brain....It's gonna sting when your name picture and details appear every where...Lol
What a crock of shit Barking....you have that part right accusing others of being what you obviously are. Your sad in the head mate, but atleast you have the guts to post your own picture for all to see. The Swastika on your bed you evil piece of vermin.
Your time will come boy. I agree with the last post. Your a laughing stock nothing more. The only idiots who post are the same ones all the time, but I suppose that makes you feel good, and gives you that false sense of friendship. A word in your ear, shhhhh, two of those who frequently appear on your comments list are easily paid off.!!!!!
You should be in a straight jacket. You and your fascist friends will get theirs that's a promise Brave boy. PC soldiers don't impress anyone, least of all you.
Vile language, name calling, your a joke. You just like being the centre of attention, and the big boy in front of all the Hitler Youth that follow you. Scary, NO pathetic YES. Get a life you sad poisoned racist.
Hello, Andrew - once again you demonstrate that you should be in a straitjacket! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Do stop shouting, Andrew, you'll blow a gasket - besides, I've heard it all before! ;) :-P :-P
I do appear to bother you, Andrew - and, by the way, I'd have thought that a "Jew" who uses the name on his profile photo would have realised that it's "Mossad" and not "MASSAD"! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
"<span>kepp up the good work pea brain"</span>
"Kepp"?....... wtf is "Kepp"? And you have the nerve to call me "pea brain"...... hahahahahahahaha! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
I found a nice picture of you at home! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
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