Friday 4 December 2009


Those ferocious Greenies certainly can't accuse this guy of being a fanatical "denier" of their New World "religion"!

Unlike this arrogant, slavering, verbally flatulent twat, Bob Ward!

Is it just me, or would anyone else like to give him a good slap?


Barking Spider said...

Rex is one of favourites.  He can strip a hypocrite bare at forty paces.

Barking Spider said...

You're not kidding, mate, he's brilliant! ;)

Barking Spider said...

I've got my slap glove on right now, BS (I don't want to catch anything).

What a piece of work. But maybe Nelson and the rest of the 'hedgers' will finally wake up to the fact that they're up against ruthless anti-everything (and misanthropic) fanaticism, not a gentleman's debating group with a rational thesis to moot.

You know, judging by Nelson's blog on this tonight, and Liddle's (whom I admire quite a lot, despite the fact he's a bit easily led now and then), I think at least some of them might be. About bloody time.

Well done, mate.

Barking Spider said...

Does Bob Ward know something about the investigation that we don't? Will we be able to trust it?

Rex made a superb argument.

Great videos, Spidie!

Barking Spider said...

BS, I know I'm getting on a bit. Love your blog but find it very not user friendly. Another punch up on climategate on newsnight. We sceptics won hands down!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for the heads up, OR, I'll find a playback of that - I'm dying to see it! ;)

If the comments are the biggest problem for you, OR, just visit HERE and create a free profile for yourself - then any blog with this system will automatically recognise you and log you in.

I have already suggested to them tonight in answer to their own question, "How can we make it better?", that they should recognise Blogger ID too as that would clear up problems straight away for many people!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Fausty, The University are investigating <span style="text-decoration: underline;">themselves</span> and the IPCC are also investigating the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">CRU</span> - it doesn't inspire any more confidence than any other inquiry since Labour came to power!
Be prepared for <span style="text-decoration: underline;">bullshit</span> and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">whitewash</span> until such time as there is, if ever, a truly independent inquiry! >:o

Barking Spider said...

Nelson made himself look totally calm and reasonable today which, of course, he most definitely was, D, especially beside that lefty, green-fascist dogma-spouting, tirade of ignorance, bile, bullshit and bollocks - Bob Ward, who seems to know the outcome of the "independent inquiry" already, just as Blair always knew the outcome of the Hutton inquiry long before it happened! >:o

Lefties can't debate anything because their dogma defies logic and they really havent got a clue about anything without genitals! Mind you, they also mess up everything with genitals - just look at the state of the Country!

Barking Spider said...

I'd like to slap all the liars silly with a great big stupid stick!  But that's just me....hee hee.  We are clobbering them, Spidey!  I'm so glad that people are waking up.  Delingpole's latest post on telegraph shows the "Tiger Index"  ClimateGate has that cheetah out searched by like 10 K.
Happy Friday!

Barking Spider said...

Nice one, Bunni, have a great weekend! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Note tht the bootboy Bob Wiered hails from the London School Of Economics which has always been a vipers nest for  pinko/red/greens Common Purpose/NWO out of which the only decent thing has been the Rolling Stones.

Barking Spider said...

Spider, The Rex Murphy video is probably the best Climategate video I have seen. It's a pitty that we don't have anybody as good this side of the pond.
Iam going to put the video on my site Spider. I will link back to your site.

Barking Spider said...

There is so much gravitas and integrity in that report, AOM, I think we need a new unbiased news channel over here before we'll see anything like this on British screens.

By all means, AOM, anytime, post anything from here that you like - we're all fighting the same enemy. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Hi,Bunni, he's a lying, constantly-blinking,(body language for lying), weedy, government-funded/manipulated, little cunt and as for that biased BBC <span style="text-decoration: underline;">bitch</span>.....that wasn't an interview, it was an ambush! >:o

Barking Spider said...

I feel the same way, about them and some other jerks who shall remain nameless here!  (Hint, I have to see them again monday)  :-$

Barking Spider said...

Got you, Bunni! ;)