Thursday 17 December 2009


In Canada, CTS bucks the trend and Lord Monckton provides Michael Coren with plenty of ammunition in the fight against the global warming fanatics and government climate change pimps.


Barking Spider said...

Lord Mockton brilliant as always :) , has anyone advised him not to go for any lonely walks in  the wood while Brown  and his henchmen are in town ?
Greenpeace this morning sceaming that, even after Hilarys intervention " we are still all  gonna die =-O !", ratcheting up the fear in the usual crusty way.

Barking Spider said...

Funny you should mention walks in the wood, banned - they seem to be gunning for him already! =-O

Check this out, mate, and you'll see what I mean!! >:o

Barking Spider said...

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Barking Spider said...

Good stuff - I enjoyed that.  Monckton is good.

Barking Spider said...

Now let's face it, New Labour must be telling the truth on Global warming because I for one have never come across a lying Socialist. I did attempt to apologise to the shrubbery in my garden this afternoon, for my own part in creating the Worldwide inferno that they now must endure. Alas, I had to abort that particular mission though, as I couldn't see the trees for the fucking snow.

No doubt there will be a politically correct explanation for that, there has to be, and why it is that we must give New Labour yet more of our taxes, to combat the evils of Global snow. It may well be the death of us, and I sit on tender hooks awaiting the BBC's own propaganda regarding this oh so pressing and evil development.

Barking Spider said...

He really knows his subject, James, and he speaks so fluently about  it - no wonder Gore won't debate with him! :)

Barking Spider said...

Hi, D&C,

That's such a good piece of snark that it can speak for itself! ;)

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for posting this, Spider.  I've been out all day, so I haven't kept up on what happened to Lord M after he was assaulted?  I would advise he have bodyguards all the time now!
PS;  Thanks for sending me the video's I'm watching now, and they are very enlightening!  Happy Friday.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni, my pleasure.

I wouldn't like to be in that police chief's shoes, and I really wouldn't like to be in the shoes of the cop who carried out the assault! ;)