Monday 4 July 2011

The BBC: Middle Class, Multi-Culti, Left-Wing Pricks


Sheriff said...

Jesua Christ (Know Pat is an atheist) I want to share a pint (or two or more) with this man!

Sheriff said...

I'd like to join you for that little session, Christopher, he definitely speaks our language - in every single one of his videos. :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

p.s.,,Barking, I linked this,,,,,

Sheriff said...

Nice one - but don't get me wrong, mate, ;) when I say "little session", what I actually mean is that we would go into the pub, say to the landlord "Far too much to drink, please", and eventually come rolling out of the pub totally pissed as farts. Hic!  :-D :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Christopher, much appreciated, mate. ;)

Sheriff said...

PS "Pissed as farts" is British slang for "drunk as skunks" or "absolutely legless".

(I know you guys use the term "pissed" to mean "pissed off" over there)

Sheriff said...

Pat once again tells it like it is!  The BBC and Guardian are a bunch of commie, left wing psycho twats!
Esp. now that they are BFF's with Hamas.  What scumbags!  Thanks for posting, Spidey and you and Pat will keep letting folks know the REAL truth ;)

Sheriff said...

Pat on splendid form. As a child I read the Daily Express, as a young teenager I read The Guardian until I realised that it was full of middle class left wing prickery (or cuntishness as I then thought) before I turned to the Daily Telegraph which was then still a journal of repute.

Not wishing to be picky Mr Spider but I refuse to click on your BBC or Guardian links because that might give them the erroneous idea that someone else gives a flying fuck about what they have to say.

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Bunnikins, my pleasure. ;)

I've never heard Pat say anything I don't agree with regarding foaming-at-the-mouth Lefties and Muslim extremists and as long as he keeps making these videos I'll keep posting them - no wonder Lefties hate him. :-D :-D :-D :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

No problem, Banned, I can scarcely ever bring myself to read anything in the Grauniad - even when it's for the express purpose, (see what I did, there? :-D ), of slagging them off mercilessly, so I can easily understand your reluctance to go anywhere near that festering commie shitheap. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

All of the comments already made! Where've you been, Spidey?

Sheriff said...

Barking, Slang is just that no matter where but we are definitely on the same page!!!!

Sheriff said...

Hi, OR, I've just been taking things a little easier as I needed a break and at the moment there's been nothing at all to really sink my teeth into and have a damned good rant, (nothing we're hearing about in the MSM, anyway), so other than the fact that I seethe every time I see those twats in Westminster and want to hurl bricks through the television at those commie cunts in Brussels, there just hasn't been anything I wanted to write about recently. :(

Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey.  I've heard the BBC is left wing and this just proves it.  Same as our PBS and NPR...funded with taxpayer dollars, but with their own agenda.  Very sad.  Is there any publication in the UK I can refer to for the unbiased news?
Hope you are doing well.  :)

Sheriff said...

Hi, TCL - the BBC was always a bit Lefty to say the least, but now it's got completely out of control thanks to thirteen years of rotten Labour government - we have the same problem with Sky News, ITN, Channel 4 and Channel 5 - and now that the News of the World phone hacking shit has hit the fan, the Lefties are trying to kick Murdoch's takeover of BSkyB into the long grass, (at the very least - and they will scupper it totally if they can), meaning that we still won't be getting our own version of Fox News any time soon, if ever - and we need it really badly as we don't have one single Right-wing news channel over here! Oh, no - we only have a bunch of Lefty media whores trying to tell us that they're "impartial"! They are about as impartial as Stalin!!! >:o >:o >:o

The Daily Mail is a bit more erratic than it used to be but you can still get better angles on stories there plus you will also get the stories that the Guardian and the other Lefty rags won't even touch. Another newspaper you should check out is the Daily Express. The Lefties attempt to mock these papers all the time so you know they are telling you things that the commies would rather you didn't know. ;)

Sheriff said...

Thanks for the info.  You can always tell when someone or something hits a nerve with the Left.  The demonize it...for example, Sarah Palin & Fox News Channel.

Sheriff said...

I love it when they do that - shows that you've got them where it hurts - they absolutely hate it when the truth is aired in public! ;) :-P