Friday 29 July 2011

Sharia Poster Boy

This is Pat's take on the ridiculous Anjem Choudary's actions in East London - this situation could turn out to be, shall we say....... very "interesting"!




Sheriff said...

Poster boy is one of the 72 virgins.

Sheriff said...

Oh, yuck - suddenly that martyrdom bullshit doesn't really seem like such a good idea! =-O :-D

Sheriff said...

Just a thought, Spidey - could it be that Anjam bloody Chutney is hoping, and planning, for an outraged response? It would suit the sick fuck down to the ground to have people react with escalating violence; instead of just taking the piss out of him and laughing every time he opens his trap, and then ignoring him, walking away shaking your head.

Don't get me wrong - if I happened upon him, I would be hard pressed not to set fire to the twat and then put out the flames with a cricket bat. But I am persuaded by the Memsahib that this is not The Way... :)

Sheriff said...

Definitely a face destined for greatness in the ranks of the new Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit there. What an irritable little cunt he looks.

By the way, one of my favourite beers is "Efes", a Turkish beer. A muslim beer...

And here is a photograph of a muslim drinking some beer......

Sheriff said...

Interesting thought, Caractacus, but I'm not sure he's that clever - he's just stirring it again to see how much shit he can get away with with, (under our feeble Pinko Coagulation), and this is one time I think he may have bitten off more than he can chew - especially after he gets all of his teeth knocked down his throat with a brick! ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Off with their 'benefits', say I.

Sheriff said...

Pat is hilarious here!  "the little band of mental patients".  Exhibit one is above, a little bearded ape.  He can't even grow a proper beard.  I hope they all get their asses kicked.
Blowfish in pj's, and that's the women....ha ha ha.

If I see any of those stupid stickers here, I'll remove immediately. 8-)

Sheriff said...

Obviously Ginger Nuts turned to Ramjam Choudacunt when his "girlfriend" dumped him coz she hated him for being a knob.

Sheriff said...

Maybe just deface the flyers with Danish cartoons of the prophet of peace  :-P .

Sheriff said...

I read somewhere that 72 Virgins is in fact a misinterpretation and that what he can really expect is 72 preserved figs.

Sheriff said...

That's the one. bill - hit them where it really hurts! :-D :-P

Sheriff said...

I like it, Banned, drive the bastards nuts! ;)

Sheriff said...

Is there any instruction as to what he's supposed to do with the 72 figs, mate? =-O :-D :-P

Sheriff said...

Pathetic, aren't they, Bunni? If we had a real government that gave a shit about the country, they would nip this in the bud right now - but, of course, they're a bunch of NWO, Europhile Pinkos so they won't do a damned thing about it! >:o

Very interesting that Cleggeron are now getting worried about a middle class revolution in the UK - I think they'll have a lot more than the middle classes to worry about when they finally push the people too far and it all kicks off. ;)

Sheriff said...

Exactly, mate - we're talking about deepest Galloway/Abbott territory, here, and one of the worst shitholes in London! The twat in the picture looks like the sort who's probably never had a girlfriend otherwise I doubt he'd have got involved with this shit at all. *DONT_KNOW*