Thursday 21 October 2010

UKFightback/Neil Lees/UAF Knobend: DOWNFALL

Greetings to this piece of communist shit and his UAF partners in crime who have now "infiltrated" Eye Tube in an attempt to spy on us and hack the website..... but, of course, we know who they are and I will tell them here and now that they are wasting their time. 
Oooh....... Get Her!
They can flag videos as much as they like because no-one will give a flying fuck or pay any attention to their Lefty bleating and if they do manage to hack the site it will be up and running again by the next day or even sooner.
So...... good luck to them...... they'll need it!


Sheriff said...

 Why do these people bother doing these things?

Sheriff said...

Wow, the hackers and haters are everywhere!
Hi my friend, just hopping by to say I'm alive (for now).
How you been?  Write me sometime, I'm keeping quiet out here until
after the elections, what with the death threats and all.  I'll be sticking with cute
animals and funny stuff.  Politics isn't worth the aggro for me, to be sure!  I have
enough f-ing problems, don't you know  ;)

Sheriff said...

Hi, Bunnikins, it's really good to hear from you - and dont worry about those Lefty bastards, they are all mouth and nastiness but they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag! ;) :-D

And watch out for dirty tricks in the election, i.e. vote rigging, which they have made a lot easier for themselves to do with the electronic voting system. >:o

Can I still email you at the same place or have you changed your address? *DONT_KNOW*

Anyway, do stay in touch and I'll hopefully be talking to you soon. ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Good point, Guest, they may have ruled the roost on You Tube while Labour was in power but they don't any more and they never will on Eye Tube. ;)

And if they think they are intimidating other people who use Eye Tube, they can think again - this is one place that the archetypal class sneaks will have no-one to tell their tales to - that is, no-one who cares about their whingeing and lies. :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Ref: Eye Tube ... Aikido in action! The silly fuckers can't win - the art of fighting without fighting.

Sheriff said...

Eye Tube is such a great idea, Caractacus, the trolls must be quite frustrated - I see the above-pictured poof, as well as hiss bnpinfo account, has now also appeared on there as UKFightback! =-O

If that's meant to have us all quaking in our boots....... :-P :-P :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

Same one!  I'll check out the other one you wrote about later, I'm trying to keep low tech for the time being.

Sheriff said...

Only eight days to go, Bunni, it'll be good to have you back. ;)