Sunday 31 October 2010

New World Order Strikes Again?

Now, call me cynical, BUT.......

On Tuesday/Wednesday we had this story.......

But by Friday we had this story....... 

And on Saturday.......

And again on Sunday.......

I don't know about you, but I find this all a bit too bloody convenient for my liking! I can smell the rotten hand of the New World Order on our shoulders and their oppressive, NWO/communitarian/world government agenda at work with this  latest airport security "scare".......
Here's Richard Littlejohn's take on it, which is remarkably similar to my own.......
 And Peter Hitchens has this to say.......



Sheriff said...

Cheers barking,

I think the very same, this all too close to our (U.S.) mid-term election. This was all timed by the  eltistist socialists with one thing in mind - control.

If islamofacisists had wanted to hit any of us, well they would have, period.

In the U.S. the media is having a field day, but to all the normal people it is being met with a big yawn.

Nothing be it weather, attack or short of the devil himself showing his ugly,evil face will deter the American public from voting out socialists. This 'attempt' at fear futhers our cause.

Sheriff said...

Christopher is right.  NOTHING is going to stop Americans from voting against Obama's socialist agenda on Tuesday.  Bomb scare or not; NWO or not.  And I can't wait! ;)

Sheriff said...

Now that we are aware of their tactics they have become all too predictable, Christopher....... transparently predictable - just like when they set up the terminally thick "shoe bomber" and after him, the moronic "underpants bomber", (aka The Skidmark Kid), so that they could impose even more restrictions on us and introduce those fucking vile naked scanners in airports and everywhere else that takes their fancy - even in the fucking streets where they are now using portable versions to spy on everyone.... CUNTS! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

I'm almost as excited about Tuesday as you guys are, TCL, I can hardly wait to see Obama get his arse kicked along with the rest of those commie Demotards! ;) :-P :-P :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Yes, I'm with Christopher on this one (and you, Barking). It's amazing how plots, conspiracies and we're-all-doomed stuff seems to surface just when a government needs to distract attention from domestic issues.

It's well established that in times of crisis the herd tend to rally to their government for "protection". So tricky mid-terms come round and lo-and-behold, what have we here then? A convenient 'crisis'.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a rat in there, Spidey.

I wonder what percentage of the population is concerned about this 'terror' plot. Not high, I'd guess.

Security is a multi-trillion pound industry, world wide.

Did you know that Homeland Security has been systematically privatised since it was set up? I.e., funded by the public purse, only for insiders to spin off its operations and get filthy stinking rich off increasing oppression of the people.

I haven't flown since those security measures have been in place, and nor will I. They can f*** right off!

Sheriff said...

I put nothing -- NOTHING! -- past the Dems as they attempt to minimize their coming losses on November 2.

Sheriff said...

Or is it a classic instance of Sod's Law?  Also, this was on routine freight operations and not passenger.  This is all very messy and it is going to get worse.

Sheriff said...


"This is all very messy and it is going to get worse."

Which one are you speaking of, the governments or the jihadists? I know the line gets blurred but am just curious.

Sheriff said...

Obama said that he wanted to thank our allies. Does Obama really consider Britain as an ally? Since when? Since he didn't want the bust of Churchill cluttering up his office .... the president whose personal gifts to Queen Elizabeth and the PM were ignorant and insulting.
You would think, after listening to the faux president, that the U.S. stopped the plot, and found the packages. The U.S. did not. Saudi Arabia and Yemen governments managed to stop the plot, along with UPS tracking doen the whereabouts of the packages.
The administration never thought to warn Britain.
Maybe now he'll send the British security services a DVD of his speeches or a I-Pod.

And by the way, did anyone check our Obama’s demeanor when he gave his "we've absorbed more attempts" speech? He has no emotion, no essence of any strong convictions on fighting terrorism. He is simply reading something that he does not seem to particularly care too much about, and then he walked off with his nose in the air not taking any questions at all. .

Sheriff said...

Thanks, VM. ;)

Sheriff said...

 Never seems to be Obama or Brown or Cameron targeted, does it?

Sheriff said...

Agreed, Spidey, as the church lady would say "how conviennnnnnnnnent"!
Those devices were headed to some synagogs right on the north shore of my crap city.
This could have ended very badly.  Well, they will probably drum up something for Tuesday too, no doubt.

On a lighter note, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, and you must pop over to my place and watch the cute
video's, I know you'll love them!   BOOOOOOOOO!

Sheriff said...

Hi, Fausty, just found this on my Blogger comments.......

Fausty said...

Definitely a rat in there, Spidey.

I wonder what percentage of the population is concerned about this 'terror' plot. Not high, I'd guess.

Security is a multi-trillion pound industry, world wide.

Did you know that Homeland Security has been systematically privatised since it was set up? I.e., funded by the public purse, only for insiders to spin off its operations and get filthy stinking rich off increasing oppression of the people.

I haven't flown since those security measures have been in place, and nor will I. They can f*** right off!

Sheriff said...

I reckon it was probably easier for them to put the devices on cargo flights with such short notice because of the security measures put in place, (and encouraged by them), for all passenger flights. ;)

Sheriff said...

After thirteen years of Labour tactics in Britain, I agree with you 100%, AOW. >:o

Sheriff said...

Fortunately, I don't think that this or any other stunt they try to pull is going to save Obama from being utterly  neutered this Tuesday, Eye, they have played this tactic way too many times and people are finally waking up to it. ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Obama is no ally of Britain, AA, he proved it again when he kept referring to "British Petroleum", a name not used by BP for at least ten years, when the oil disaster was actually caused by a faulty concrete compound supplied by Haliburton! >:o

He's a commie twat, a real cold fish and as dim as one, too, (although it's plain to see he doesn't realise this fact), he has the typical arrogant demeanour of a commie, which is born out of a completely misplaced superiority complex that he's been programmed to have about himself! Of course...... he won't be feeling quite so superior by Wednesday :-P unless his thugs and hackers have rigged the electronic voting system in the Demotards' favour! *DONT_KNOW*

Sheriff said...

More's the pity, James. ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Extremely convennnnnnnnient, Bunni, far too convennnnnnnient to be true, methinks! *DONT_KNOW* ;)

There will be a Live Blog here on Tuesday from midnight, (6:00pm, your time), where we can enjoy Obama's downfall as it happens - hope you can make it. :-P

Cute pics as ever - saved! :-D

Sheriff said...

A huge rat, Fausty, especially in light of what you just told me! >:o

I haven't flown either for the very same reason - which is exactly what they want, of course, but I'm damned if I'm going to be subjected to that shite...... as you say, they can fuck right off! >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey, Gotty told me about it, I will be visiting and I know it will be fun.
Be prepared for a LOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG night!  I'm sure lots of results won't be official until
well into Wed. morning.

Sheriff said...

Absolutely reeking Spidey , there is no shame to these fuckers now is there they have gotten away with the most blatant acts of murder and then genocide and do not give a fig for public opinion anymore...

Will join you tomorrow night if you don't mind, should be educational and fun, have missed the live link stuff we did at the elections .....

Sheriff said...

Good one, Bunni! That's what I was thinking, too, but we should hopefully have a good idea of the voting trend and just how far down the commie bastard is going to plummet!! ;) :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Good stuff, Indy, I'll see you then, mate. ;)

I'm getting more and more pissed off with Cameron with each day that passes and every let-down/betrayal of the national interest that he delivers/caves in to, the slimy cunt!!!! >:o

Sheriff said...

Same thoughts here, it was all too convient for and a potential poll boost for Obama

Sheriff said...

What if the terrorist are practicing for the eletronic pulse burst - to send all of us back into the pen and paper era. Which could be and probbably is designed by the Illuminite/Builderbergs aka:NWO; 2012 - The Age of Aquiarus is just around the corner (Mars alaigns with Jupitor). And they don't want to give up any advancements they have made with Obama and Brown and this new guy you all gave the green light to, just to see him give in to these pirates. Just saying, there is always more to these strange but true occurrences.

Sheriff said...

This was genuine.

I am crew, currently operating out of EMA, and in fact this incident delayed my departure 55 minutes, while I was waiting for security to clear me (I fly a small aircraft, so don't operate from the terminals with their full-time security staff). I talked to security and handdling people, and this bomb was found as described by the press (in fact this is the only time I have found a press report that I knew the inside track on to be accurate in my whole life).

Sheriff said...

Once you know what to look for, they are pathetically obvious, Guest. ;)

Sheriff said...

I completely agree, TS/WS. >:o

Sheriff said...

I don't doubt for a moment that these bombs caused chaos and delays, Richard, my suspicion is directed towards The Powers That Be when it comes to the question of who actually planted the bombs! *DONT_KNOW*