Friday 15 October 2010

Muslim Cleric: "Rape In Marriage Is No Crime"

Here's what the Daily Express has to say about this stone age cunt.......
The views of Sheikh Maulana Abu Sayeed about rape in marriage show why sharia law must never be allowed to take a grip in Britain. This senior Muslim cleric, in charge of a large network of sharia courts, insists that men who force themselves upon their wives should have immunity from prosecution for rape.

Perhaps this outburst will destroy once and for all the foolish notion that opposition to the creeping islamification of Britain can only be motivated by bigotry and prejudice. This nation’s shared values, including belief in gender equality and the right to self determination, are under threat. People of all mainstream political persuasions should be ready to defend them. 
This vile fucker runs the largest network of sharia courts in Britain....... you know....... the sharia courts that we're not supposed to have at all but do exist in reality with the tacit approval of our government(s) and the old fucking hippy Archbishop of Canterbury! And he just runs the largest network!! 
Anyone think that Cameron has either the balls or the political will to put a stop to this outrage? No...... neither do I! Cleggeron have not shown themselves to be any different to the last shower so far - not where it really matters to the public and I'm extremely sceptical that they ever will.
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Sheriff said...

The more and more they go on, the deeper and deeper they sink themselves.

Sheriff said...

<span>This senior Muslim cleric, in charge of a large network of sharia courts, insists that men who force themselves upon their wives should have immunity from prosecution for rape. </span><span>

And the silence from women's rights groups is deafening.

Sheriff said...

 It's the only way this guy can have sex with a woman. He's used to goats .. :-P :-P :-P .

Sheriff said...

I feel really sorry for the goats, Odie. =-O ;)

Sheriff said...

Not a peep from them, AOW, how typical in today's Muslim-loving, PC Britain. >:o

Sheriff said...

If only the ruling elite gave a damn, Guest, but this is exactly what they want - it's all part of their plan. >:o