Tuesday 7 September 2010

Egyptian Cleric Sa'd Arafat: "Allah Honours Wives With Beatings"

Sa'd Arafat: Allah honoured wives by instating the punishment of beatings.
Interviewer: Honoured them with beatings? How is this possible?!
Sa'd Arafat: The prophet Muhammad said: "Don't beat her in the face, and do not make her ugly." See how she is honoured. If the husband beats his wife, he must not beat her in the face. Even when he beats her, he must not curse her. This is incredible! He beats her in order to discipline her.
In addition, there must not be more than ten beatings, and he must not break her bones, injure her, break her teeth, or poke her in the eye. There is a beating etiquette. If he beats to discipline her, he must not raise his hand high. He must beat her from chest level. All these things honour the woman.
She is in need of discipline. How should the husband discipline her? Through admonishment. If she is not deterred, he should refuse to share the bed with her. If she is not repentant, he should beat her, but there are rules to the beating. It is forbidden to beat her in the face or make her ugly. When you beat her, you must not curse her. Islam forbids this.
Interviewer: With what should be beat her? With his bare hand? With a rod?
Sa'd Arafat: If he beats her, the beatings should not be hard, so that they do not leave a mark. He can beat her with a short rod. He must avoid beating her in the face or in places in the head where it hurts. The beatings should be on the body and should not come one right after the other. These are all choices made during the process, but beatings are allowed only as a last resort.
The honouring of the wife in Islam is also evident in the fact that the punishment of beating is permissible in one case only: when she refuses to sleep with him.
Interviewer: When she refuses to sleep with him?
Sa'd Arafat: Yes, because where else could the husband go? He wants her, but she refuses. He should begin with admonishment and threats......

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Sheriff said...

My missus would feel so honoured she would call the police and have me arrested...and rightly so.

Honour is in equality and sharing, there is something very twisted in the advocating of beating in the name of honour!!!

Sheriff said...

If the Prophet (Bees be Upon Him) had said,  You shall smear her buttocks with peanut butter  and gently administer the Spanking of Correction, there'd be a lot more conversions to Islam.

Sheriff said...

It's time we "honored" him.

Sheriff said...

This shit is spoken and discussed as though they were a sports programme. Nowt from our feminist movement you notice. Not least Harriet harpy. Menopause got to the cow?

Sheriff said...

There's little wonder that these Neanderthals have to rely so heavily on "arranged" (for which read "forced") marriages ..

No woman in her right mind would voluntarily enter into such an arrangement ..

These quotes & clips deserve a far wider audience .. its high time the world at large was made aware of this crap ..

Sheriff said...

Or smear her bum with a bacon sarnie & wrap it in the "currant" (for the white van men) ... ;)

Sheriff said...

The silence is deafening OR ....

Sheriff said...

I'd love to, Nickie, it would be "incredible"! ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

And then gently lick off the aforementioned peanut butter - I think you're on to something, Sig. :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Ahhh...... pork products, CH, pun intended! :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

It's hard to take in just how fucking blasé they are being about it in that video, Indy - they both need a seriously good thrashing! >:o

Sheriff said...

That's for sure Spidey ...

Though I would strongly advise any comedian, with a line in "Mother-in-Law" jokes to arm themselves with copies of these  speeches .. so that when the righteous feminists & the pc mongs come flooding out of the woodwork, shrieking their complaints .. they can be refuted with real evidence ..

Sheriff said...

Old Testament stuff there, mate, got to keep those cheeky little tykes in order - spare the rod and spoil the child - an accurate description of our modern youth, little shits! >:o

No mention anywhere of beating the wife, though! ;)