Sunday 26 September 2010

Cameron's Convict Army

A MASSIVE unpaid army of ­workers is to be created from thousands of convicted criminals in a bid to ­kick-start the economy. Multimillion-pound industrial projects will be undertaken by a land army of 100,000 criminals as an ­alternative to custodial sentences.
Offenders will be expected to work unpaid for up to seven hours a day in a major plan for them to “pay something back” to society. They will do labouring work on building projects, carry out ­industrial cleaning and clear towns and cities of the blight of graffiti. A huge expansion of the community service or unpaid work scheme will see it double in size as part of the Government’s flagship “rehabi­litation revolution”. Instead of the “soft touch” option of doing several hours community labour a week offenders will work full-time completing up to 240-hour sentences more quickly. Road-sweeping and window cleaning will be replaced by harder manual work, saving the public purse millions as part of Government cost cutting.
A Whitehall source revealed: “Putting it simply it is payback time. This policy will send out a very tough message that there is no easy ride and that it is everybody’s ­responsibility to rebuild the economy and the country. “One hundred thousand is a big workforce, almost doubling the 55,000 now sentenced to community service or unpaid work.” Putting criminals to work on ­social housing and even bridge construction has also been considered.
The Government wants to completely rebrand community service by toughening up its image and ­cutting costs by up to £40million. Battle-hardened war veterans will be put in charge of criminals ­serving community sentences. Using Afghanistan and Gulf War veterans would also tackle the threat of violence against probation service officers who currently do the job.
I'd still prefer to see the bastards go to jail for their crimes but once again, because of the cunty commie, Gorgon Brownfinger, who had control of the Country's pursestrings, no new prisons were built to accommodate the fuckers at Her Majesty's pleasure!
Still...... if it has to be community service, this sounds a lot more appropriate than picking up litter or working for a couple of hours a week in the local charity shop where they appear as if they are volunteers - a place where nobody gets to laugh at them and poke them with pointy sticks!
Of course, the bleeding heart socialists are already up in arms and bleating loudly......
The probation service, which has run community sentencing since 1974, says the proposals could break health and safety legislation and threaten the future of paid ­workers. Harry Fletcher, assistant general secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers, said: “This is all about punishment and not rehabilitation but clearly it is ­essential that there is an element of rehabilitation, otherwise individuals are likely to carry on offending.” 
Blah, blah, blah....... fucking typical - the work we're talking about here is exactly the sort of work that has been deliberately handed out to immigrants instead of British workers, (lying Winky McFuckwit again), so that it can done on the cheap....... so as usual these Lefties are talking complete and utter bollocks! 
I also happen to believe that if these yobs, thugs and cunts knew that every time they stepped out of line they were going to end up getting a dose of hard labour with a Regimental Sergeant Major bellowing in their faces all day, they would be rehabilitated extremely quickly indeed.
FUCK 'EM!      
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Sheriff said...

"Oh yeah, he's got us all lined up to "do our bit for the community, free of pay.  It's going to be grand.

Sheriff said...

Sounds good .. Sounds tough .. in reality its yet another load of hot air, the like of which we heard with "Tough on Crime .. Tough on the causes of crime" (remember that one) ?

For starters .. would you feel safe crossing a bridge built by some sodding, spaced-out Druggie, who can't tell the difference between cement & constipation ?

What sanctions will there be for those who can't be arsed to attend ?

What powers will these former Military Personnel be given to enforce discipline ?

Who says that former Military Personnel will be queuing up to gratefully accept jobs supervising the nation's criminal dross anyway ?

Lastly, I don't now & never have believed in "rehabilitation" .. that only works for those in the tiny minority who genuinely wish to be rehabilitated ..

What I do believe in & strongly is harsh punishments, Prisons cleared out of low-level offenders such as non Council Tax paying old ladies etc .. to make room for those who deserve to be there and Prisons retuned to their austere, grinding, knackering, soul-destroying Victorian past ....

And neither Cameron, Clegg or any other British politician has the balls to set that in motion ..

Therefore .. its another crock of shit ...

Sheriff said...

Captain, You stole my thunder,,GOOD JOB! I have every single solitary question/concern as you.

No offense intended Barking, but this is a lousy proposal and cheapens and already underworked-underpaid LEGAL workforce. What will the unemployed construction worker do now if this is to be put forth?

Sheriff said...

With you 100% Captain. Increase the size of the 'military correctional facilities' (esp. that one just up the road from the Maypole in Colchester) and stick the fuckers in there until they buck their ideas up. Never been in myself you understand, but my brother assures me that still have to double sitting on the bog...

As you say, more piss and wind from people who haven't the first idea of what they're talking about.

Sheriff said...

A poor idea, prisons used as a means of production. Here's why.

Sheriff said...

Spidey this is a dangerous move. Remember that minimum wage? It was supposed to be a safety net. In reality it is what the commie fuckedmuppets intend all of us to be stipended as a maximum because there is no more industry. 

Look at this proposal through commie lenses and you see all of us in chain gangs. Laws taylored to get you banged up for sighing too loudly or looking at a muppet quizically.

It has a commie stink all over it. No more work, no more industry, no more free enterprise. Just commie slavery. Cameron and his ilk are commies at heart they cannot stand free people. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

"What I do believe in & strongly is harsh punishments, Prisons cleared out of low-level offenders such as non Council Tax paying old ladies etc .. to make room for those who deserve to be there and Prisons retuned to their austere, grinding, knackering, soul-destroying Victorian past .... "

I'd like to see that too, CH, and if there are no prison places available, force the fuckers into the army.  :-P

Sheriff said...

I suppose that's pretty much what I was trying to say Caractacus but I much prefer your choice of location for their "re-education".......  ;)

"I also happen to believe that if these yobs, thugs and cunts knew that every time they stepped out of line they were going to end up getting a dose of hard labour with a Regimental Sergeant Major bellowing in their faces all day, they would be rehabilitated extremely quickly indeed." 

Sheriff said...

No offence taken, Christopher.  ;)

Our construction and other manual work has been going to foreign workers deliberately allowed into Britain by Snotty Browneye for that very purpose - they are cheaper than our own workforce - and I can't see that situation improving for some time, mate.  >:o

Sheriff said...

I'm only in favour of this for those thugs who should really be in prison, James, no-one else. If cameron starts to abuse the system, then that's a completely different story and I think a lot of us will be shouting loudly about it.  >:o

Sheriff said...

Good points. INCOMING!!!!!!!, I have only slightly less trust for Labour than I do for Cleggeron - in other words, my trust in the government is non-existent. :(

The more I think about what you say, the more sense it makes, mate, grrrr! All I really want to see happen is for dangerous criminals to get the punishment they deserve and fuck the "rehabilitation "bollocks that the righteous are always banging on about! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Bring on the revolutuion! :-P

Sheriff said...

Thanks for the info, richard - I don't agree with that system at all, that's just out-and-out corruption on a grand scale and as for that "Three Strikes" shit and 26 years later you get out of jail with a sore arse for stealing nine video tapes, well that's just obscene. >:o

What I don't have a problem with, though, is the tough community service that's suggested above when there isn't a custodial sentence - unless, of course, INCOMING!!!!!!! has got them smack bang dead to rights - in which case they can fuck right off! >:o

Sheriff said...

Thanks for all your comments, folks, you've given me plenty to think about! ;)

Sheriff said...

" if there are no prison places available, force the fuckers into the army" yes Spidey, but not into regular regiments - specially formed trash units where they would be given a very hard time. The carrot would be that if any of them showed any promise, they would then be offered to a regular regiment. It could be the making of some of them.

Sheriff said...

The Army does not want this because they have no wish to become social workers, for the same reason they oppose conscription.

Sheriff said...

"They will do labouring (unpaid)  work on building projects, carry out ­industrial cleaning and clear towns and cities of the blight of graffiti. ie "slavery",
One reason Ancient Rome was so fucked up is that there were too many slaves, so many that freeborn Romans were denied gainful employment; the same reason why slavery was abolished in the USA.

Sheriff said...

Depends how far they intend to go with it, Banned - or, indeed, if it ever gets off the ground. The maximum community service sentence at the moment is 240 hours so at eight hours a day, five days a week, they'd have worked their sentence in 6 weeks - and hopefully they would get enough of a sickener during that time that they won't want to have to go back for more of the same! ;)