Sunday 5 September 2010

Common Purpose Exposed

Oh, look....... here's yet another previously banned video about our old friends/enemies, Common Purpose....... from Eye Tube.......
Common Purpose is a change agent being used to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to implement the British government's hidden EU communitarian agenda. You can find out more about Common Purpose at Stop Common Purpose and Common Purpose Exposed.
Guess what, folks........ Common Purpose and their internet flunkies, (Neil Lees/UKFightback, for example), have already tried to remove this video....... again! Says a lot about their "integrity", doesn't it?!!!
They continually show people that they have something to hide - Marxist morons!
Not to worry, here you go, it's back again, and we will just keep on doing this every time these commie cunts try to censor us - they can now finally just fuck the fucking fuckety fuck off........ 
and take Cleggeron with them!
Enhanced by Zemanta


Sheriff said...

I remember this.....

1) As I spelt the word "too" wrong in gramatical terms at the end, when advertising the Common Purpose website and couldn't be arsed to go back and correct my mistake, the lazy bastard I am.....

and 2)..... My original "Hopespringseternal" channel was removed, becuase Comrade Lee's, through Middleton "Flagged" for "Trotsky" in regards to this vid...

And now it returns......

Just like fucking batman......

Sheriff said...

Thanks for exposing the Commie sites Spider.  Have a great weekend :)

Sheriff said...

You, too, Teresa. ;)

Sheriff said...

The truth will always out in the end, Dazed, great video, mate. ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Yeah Dazed great vid I will post it later in the week to keep the profile up! Promise I hate the bastards too!

Sheriff said...

Good man, Indy, these cunts need to be exposed as much as possible. ;)

Sheriff said...

Those CP twats are scum and just part of the NWO destruction of the individual freedoms we all love.
That broad in the boat is insane.