Saturday 27 February 2010


This article by Peter Oborne in the Daily Mail makes depressing reading but, unfortunately, he says exactly what we are all thinking. I hope Cameron takes his advice.

An embattled Cameron needs to start telling Britain the truth

There was a palpable air of confidence at the Tory Party conference last autumn. Shadow cabinet ministers were pumped up with such high levels of optimism that they arrogantly thought the next General Election was already in the bag. However, the mood this weekend is completely different as delegates meet for their spring conference in Brighton. With just a few weeks to go to polling day, that previously healthy Tory lead has halved to around six per cent, not nearly enough to secure an outright victory. The misplaced triumphalism has gone - to be replaced by nervousness and even quiet desperation.


Barking Spider said...

The political situation sounds challenging.  I sure hope you guys can get it together to boot out the socialist.  Our countries can be strong and vital again.  But not if the national treasury continues to be sacked.

Barking Spider said...

The Tories' Spring Conference will make or break them. If they don't get this right, they'll be heavily judged - particularly since we may have an announcement on or before Monday of a March GE.

Barking Spider said...

Jeeez, Spidey, I'm amazed that Gordoom has come back so far. Why can't Cameron state simply and clearly that the policies of the Left have put your country on the brink? Why can't he say that you have tough choices to make, but sound choices, choices that will pull you back from the brink and lead you to recovery? Why the hell can't someone over there (or here in my country, for that fucking matter) stand up and be a Churchill or a Thatcher?

The fucking world really has gone to rot.

Barking Spider said...

Cameron is going to have to make the speech of his life, Fausty - just like the one that made Snotty bottle the election in 2007 - only this time, of course, McShite will have to call an election whether he wants to or not. ;)

Barking Spider said...

At the moment, I'm hoping that a lot of people are just saying that they will vote Labour in the opinion polls to give them a false sense of security, Opie, if not, we could be in real trouble because if Gordoom has another five years in power, Britain will just be another penniless communist dictatorship. >:o

Barking Spider said...

<span>I completely agree, SB, and I'm hoping that's exactly what will happen at The Tories' spring conference, (starting today in Brighton). We know that Cameron can turn it on when he wants to, and I'm thinking that perhaps he has been keeping his powder dry until it's too late for Labour to steal and pervert Tory policies as they usually do. There's a possibility that McShite may even call a snap March 25th election this weekend before the recession descends into it's second dip, which it probably will have done by May 6th. *DONT_KNOW* </span>

Barking Spider said...

PS that was the shorter version of what got vaped this morning. Is someone messing with your comments I wonder Spidey.

Barking Spider said...

<span><span>Spidey he's not a Conservative, he's an appointed one, unfortunately he's not going to get what he's been groomed for becasue global events are going to wash his carefully laid plans away. Any REAL Consrvative leader would have got the gloves off and duked the commies here and in the EU. But not Cameron, he doesn't realise a couple of important things in my opinion.
One, a hung parliament is desired next term to cement the wave of voting pattern changing aliens imported for no other reason than to change us into a satrapy.
Two, from Vladivostok to Magnitigorsk to Kiev to Sofia to Madrid to Detroit to Denver to Anchorage there are hundreds of millions of ordinary people who want someone to stand up and tell the criminal social engineers to get to fuck and have someone like them get elected before it goes completely pear shaped.
That's what we feel, it is going pear shaped and if someone stood up and told it like it is they'd be in for sure. It is so pear shaped that prescription sounds just like Weimar Germany!!!!</span></span>

Barking Spider said...

Spot on yet again, INCOMING!!!!!!!, which is exactly why grassroots Tories can't understand what the fuck he's playing at. >:o

The recent opinion polls, as more and more people have seen straight through him, will be shaking the foundations of CCHQ. Quite literally, he has this weekend's spring conference to change disaffected Tories' and floating voters' minds or he can fucking forget it and we'll all be emigrating to get away from Stalin McBean! >:o >:o

Barking Spider said...

The thing has been fucked up since they "upgraded" the system last weekend, mate - fortunately I still had the email notification and was able to put it back like it was before. I thought it had finally been resolved yesterday, but obviously it has not as yet! >:o >:o

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spidey!  This is an interesting read.  I hope you are right, and Dave is keeping his powder dry to throw the liebours off.
If you guys get stuck with another 5 years of gordoom & co., I really don't want to think about how horrible that will be.  I'm trying to put horrid thoughts out of my mind anyway.  Some things are too depressing to contemplate, like 3 more years of obummer here.

Barking Spider said...

Absolutely correct, Nickie, except, of course, that he's really a total Europhile and is only too happy to stay aboard the EU gravy train. He even sent the Tories' biggest Europhile, Ken Clark, over to Brussels last week for "secret" talks - Grrr! >:o

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunnikins, how are things with you? :)

This is getting bloody scary, the Tory lead is now down to 5%, according to another opinion poll today, so Cameron is going to have to verbally cut McFuckwit's balls off tomorrow when he makes his speech to the conference. I shudder to think of another five years of Snotty's communist party - if that happens, it's all over for Britain - we'll just be another NWO penniless, commie shithole! >:o

Barking Spider said...

Every incoming Tory Government has to pull the country out of the shite left by the previous Labour Administration.  It is not that important that Cameron tells us what he will do on the economy, but that he points out again and again what a state it is in and that he will sort it.  He does however have to give us some other policies particularly on Europe, the Police State and the increasing totalitariasm of the British Government.

Barking Spider said...

They never will.  All major leaders except UKIP have sold the country out.  I'm not UKIP but I'm just telling it as it is.  It's a dire state of affairs and the only chance is for people to contact their local PPCs and ask what their stance on direct democracy is.  If they obfuscate, don't vote for them.

Barking Spider said...

And that's where we have all seen through him for the Europhile twat that he is, DL, I watched about ten minutes of his "make-or-break" speech today, mate - it was all I could stomach! >:o

Barking Spider said...

Spot on, James! ;)

Did you see that awful speech of Cameron's today? >:o

Barking Spider said...

Camerons problem is that he thinks he needs to be neolabour to attract the working class vote and neoliberal to attrack the 'intelligencia'. Dunno about the liberals but this time last year he had the working man, and woman, in his pocket they had come to despise Labour so much.
But his lack of commitment to real Tory principles like wholesale reform and dilution of public 'services' has repelled both them and true Tory voters.

Time to ditch dippy Dave unless he takes the following hints.
Jump off the AWD bandwaggon, haven't you noticed that it's wheels fell off?
Promote Grammar Schools for the sake of the working classes.
Attack the nanny state, fiercely. 
Give us our fucking referendum >:o .

Sorted,  Tory Victory :-D .

Barking Spider said...

*AWG :-[

Barking Spider said...

That's exactly it, Banned, he won't talk about the issues uppermost in people's minds and so he's managed  to do the old Brownarse trick of landing himself with the worst of both worlds - twat! >:o