Sunday 21 June 2009


Labour's policy of turning out a generation of ill-educated, brainwashed thickos seems to be proceeding nicely according to plan. Now, A-Level History students - yes, A-Level - can't answer a question because they didn't understand the word "despotic", innit! They seem to be in dire need of some proper English tuition too - wankers!

According to the Sunday Express.......
They say the phraseology in an exam paper describing Hitler as a "despotic tyrant" confused them and meant they did not know how to answer.

The question was.......

“How far do you agree that Hitler’s role in 1933-45 was one of despotic tyranny?”

Not exactly quantum physics, is it?

More than 1,150 complaints have been posted on internet chat rooms and a campaign, Despotic Tyranny Ruined My Life, has been launched to try to get the papers marked more leniently.

Some of the little darlings go on to say.......

“I thought it meant 'choatic'… so the whole essay has turned out rather 'choatic'.”

“I came to the conclusion there was tyranny bit it wasn’t always 'depsotic' - seeing as they kinda mean the same thing I guess my essay made no sense 'whatsoeva'! ”

“I thought it meant weak.”

“My life is destroyed because of this exam. Seriously.”

Christ on a fucking bike!! And these Labour cunts have the fucking nerve to tell us that exam standards and grades are going ever-upwards when we can all see that they are shot to shit and then some! If they had seen A-Level exams - and GCE O-levels - back in the 1970's they would have pissed their fucking pants and then fucking shit themselves and then run whining all the way home to mummy!  
NuLieBore FUCKWITS!!!!