Monday 30 May 2011

Lefty Politicians Who Look Like Tortoises #94

Have you ever noticed how a lot of Left-wing politicians have an odd reptilian appearance?

Some of them look like snakes, (e.g. Manglebum), but others have a real tendency to closely resemble tortoises.

Stephen Pound is a prime example of 
this strange phenomenon.......


And as for this pair of twats.......
Any other suggestions/nominations you may have for more Lefty politicians you'd like to see getting the tortoise treatment will be gratefully received.



Sheriff said...

Like that lower one.

Sheriff said...

Now that is funny!

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Euripides, glad you liked it. ;)

Sheriff said...

Cheers, James, a good dig at the EU I just couldn't resist. ;) :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Lord of The pies prezza is a must, Spidey old chum!

Sheriff said...

Yeah, gotta do that snake, and his chewbacca!

Sheriff said...

These are very creative.  All the lefty twats look like reptiles, or worse!
Great job, Spidey.  Of course, I'd rather look at a cute kitten ;)

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Bunnikins, you're so right about kittens - much nicer to look at than these specimens. ;) :-D :-P

Sheriff said...

Oh, yes, OR, that's an absolute definite and he's now on the list! :-P

Sheriff said...

Good one Bunni - when those two are  on board Air Force One, they bring a whole new slant to the term "Snakes on a Plane"! :-D

Sheriff said...

This dopey prick ...

He's certainly got the neck for it ...

Sheriff said...

Brilliant, Cap'n, I'd completely forgotten about this twat - that neck is fucking perfect for the job! :-P :-P :-P