Not only that, it appears our government is trying to hush the whole thing up - The Westminster Journal originally posted this story but now, when you click on the link, you see this.......

Luckily, however, I have a screenshot of the original article which I will now re-post here in the interests of truth and transparency - something with which our political elite have very little acquaintance.......
Makes interesting reading, doesn't it?
I read that page yesterday, not from here, possibly 'Orphans of Liberty', congrats for keeping it live Barkers. SWP = bunch of wet cunts whose pathetic antics only served to ruin Pakistani hairdressers and newsagents. How Radical is that ? Tossers.
Thanks for the RT, Gildas. ;)
Something has to give soon.
The page is still available in cache here -
Thanks for the link, Agnoste, but that cache will be gone very soon - I also wanted to post a screenshot of the original blogpost - I already have a copy of the text version on One Note but the above screenshot proves I haven't made anything up or embellished the article in any way. ;)
And I fully intend to be one of the people who gives it, James! :-D :-P
<span>It's always the same with these twats, Cap'n, just because they've learned something off parrot fashion, (in school and in university where they have been finely tuned and indoctrinated by Left-wing, bearded sandalistas and butt-ugly, hairy-legged women),they mistakenly think that they are more clever and superior to the rest of us, (because they are constantly told that as if it were fact), - they seriously need a good, hard, sharp lesson in the School Of Life! That's another reason the stupid cunts are so fucking dangerous - they have absolutely no idea about anything - including where to draw the line - they are nothing but programmed automatons, totally devoid of common human decency! </span> >:o
CUNTS!!! >:o >:o >:o
Let's just say - TWJ picked a very strange time to "upgrade" their website. ;)
I see it's still "upgrading", what a load of crap.
That's unbelievable, they hit the nail right on the head for that website to have gone so quickly!
who the hell is this? http://we4productions.blogspot.com/ lol
You guys need to start your own T-Parties and overthrow the degenerate socialist apparatus like America is doing
Yeah, right - a likely story, Bunnikins! ;)
I can just picture Pinko Dave doing his little, Lefty nut, MM, and having the site shut down "immediately!" ;) >:o
I completely agree, Defendit, but we also have the rotten, socialist, NWO, European Union to deal with - that will have to be totally destroyed before we can ever get our own country back in order. ;)
Your site looks great! I haven't been visiting much since my wife passed away. It doesn't surprise me that the lefties shut down the site---when they run out of agruements they demonize the other side or just shut it down if possible. Again, your site looks very good---I appreciate the work you've done!
Excellent find and save Spidey, but will any charges be brought against them...unlikely in the extreme I would have thought.
You might want to save the twitter vid I have on my latest post, it has a face that you are familiar with on it I think....
Thanks, mate, I've downloaded the video for safety so we now have a backup. ;) :-P
It's so shaky and generally so badly shot that I couldn't see the face you were talking about, though - I've looked at it several times, now so I think you might need to give me another clue as to who I'm looking for. *DONT_KNOW*
Thanks, Ron, it's great to see you around and about again and hope you're well, mate. :)
As you say, it's standard Lefty tactics to cover up the truth and try to stifle any debate they don't have answers for - in other words, all debate! >:o
You guys are going to have a really busy year making absolutely sure you get rid of your very own communist twat in the White House. :-P
sorry m8 I was talking about the twat in the red hat on the twit page!
sorry again m8 should have been more clear...
No worries, mate. ;)
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